Sunday 3 April 2016

EL Matters - 4 April

Dear 5F,

We have finished our last reported speech test for this term. I really do hope that this series of 3 tests has helped you to be more confident in answering reported speech questions. Remember to keep revising and practising such questions all the way to the exam in week 8 (9 April).

We will be embarking on a series of Phrasal Verbs tests and Synthesis and Transformation tests next.
The tests will stretch into Term 3.

- Read Unit 5 Space Junk text (By next Mon)
- Do Unit 5 spelling words meanings (By next Mon)
  Remember to learn the meaning of the words as you read the text so that you will understand how it
  is used in a sentence.
- Study Phrasal Verbs List 1 (inside vocab book) for the test next week

I will see you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

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