Tuesday 19 April 2016

EL Matters - 20 April

Dear 5F,

Today we revised how to:

  • Identify sentences in the Active and Passive voice,
  • Identify the subject, verb and object in each sentence
  • Change sentences in the Passive voice to Active voice
Here are the videos and practices that we used in class today.
You may take a look at them again as you revise.


1) Passive to Active Voice worksheet (inside vocab bk) - By Fri
2) Unit 5 Learning Sheet corrections - By Fri
3) Some pupils have yet to hand-in Unit 5 Spelling Book and signature - By Thurs latest
4) Some pupils have yet to hand-in Unit 5 Companion Booklet - By Thurs latest
5) Bring LRD and Vocab bk tomorrow for the LRD Challenge

See you folks!


Mdm Tan

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