Thursday 7 April 2016

EL Matters - 8 April

Dear 5F,

It's the end of the week again.

From a show of hands of the pupils who have NOT completed their homework through the week, I counted at least 5 pupils who have a lot of English homework to do this weekend.

It is not a wise idea to leave work undone till the last minute. Otherwise, you may be over stressed in completing them within such a short duration.

Please cultivate the discipline to do a bit of work everyday. 


1) 10 pupils have not submitted LRD Pg 18 (full scap). It is due latest by Mon.

2) Complete Unit 5 Spelling words meanings and bring Unit 5 text next Mon.

3) Revise for the Phrasal Verbs List 1 test (held next week)

4) Bring full scap paper next Monday.

5) 6 pupils who still failed their Reported speech retest have to meet me after school for 10 min on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (I can't make it on Thursday) next week. I will conduct a short remedial lesson each time. This will end with a final retest on Friday.
Please revise your worksheets and notes. You need to revise at home as well.

Till Monday, see you folks...


Mdm Tan

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