Monday 11 April 2016

EL Matters - 12 April

Dear 5F,

The phrasal verbs test will be tomorrow. Study hard and do well, please!


1) LRD Pg 14 - 16 (by Thur)
    For Pg 16, do only Part 1.
    Tear out, staple together and write your name and class.

2) Study for Phrasal Verbs test.

3) Study for Unit 5 Spelling (Next Mon)

Those selected for English remedial this term, lessons will begin this Thursday (14/4) from 2.15pm - 3.45pm. Please leave your bag in the classroom before proceeding for lunch. After lunch, meet in the hall at 2.10pm.

I will not be able to conduct the remedial this Thursday as I will be attending a course in the afternoon. Ms Gowri will help me to conduct that lesson. I will see all of you for the 2nd (and final) session on 21 April.

Do your best always!


Mdm Tan

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