Tuesday 12 April 2016

EL Matters - 13 April

Dear 5F,

Do note that the SA1 oral dates are confirmed.

5F will have their oral on 26 April (Tues) after school from 1.45pm - 3.30pm.

By this Thursday, I would have met up with everyone for their oral practice.
Next week, I will meet up with some of you again for a 2nd round.
Please prepare and practise using the comments that I have given to each of you.
That will make our sessions more meaningful and useful.


1) LRD Pg 14 -16, stapled together with name written (By tomorrow)

2) Bring full scap paper tomorrow and on Friday.

3) Study for Unit 5 Spelling (Next Mon)

4) Start studying for Phrasal Verbs list 2 test in Week 6

5) Continue practising for oral

Have a good Wednesday!


Mdm Tan

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