Monday 4 April 2016

EL Matters - 5 April

Dear 5F,

Congratulations to those of you who have improved in your marks from Reported Speech Test 2 to Test 3. You have worked hard and deserve it! Continue to do your best! =)

13 pupils who scored between 1 - 7 marks will have a retest this Thursday during recess.
Please study hard. Your target is to pass the test this Thursday.

1) Do Reported Speech test 3 corrections and ask parents to sign (By tomorrow)

2) Do Spelling corrections and ask parents to sign. (By tomorrow)

3) Read LRD and prepare for LRD Challenge (On Thursday)
    Bring the LRD on Thursday.

4) Do LRD Pg 18 on full scap paper (By this Friday latest)

5) Study for Phrasal Verbs List 1 test (next week)

6) Continue to practise for Oral.

I know that the work must be a bit overwhelming at this point in time for some of you.

Remember to pace yourself. Stick closely to the deadlines given to you. Do your work the moment you reach home and have settled down. Do not miss any deadline, otherwise your work will pile up.

After you have finished your work for the day, go ahead to have a good rest and be ready for the next day. Pack your bag the day before. Be ready and alert for school everyday.

All of you can achieve your targets. Stay the course and be focused till the end. You can do it!


Mdm Tan

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