Wednesday 27 April 2016

EL Matters - 28 April

Dear 5F,

I will put up the extra online websites (optional) tomorrow.


1) CW2 and SW5 corrections and Unit 5 Companion Booklet homework - tomorrow is the last day to hand-in.

2) CW3 corrections and all other SW and CW corrections - to be completed over the weekend as revision and filed inside your compo file.

Hand-in your compo file next Tue after your exam.

3) Practice Paper Booklets A and B - to be done properly as revision for SA1 (By next Tue)

4) Study Phrasal Verbs Lists 1, 2 and 3 for Test 3 (Either next Thur or Fri)

    * Parents, please sign the Phrasal Verbs test 2 - already filed inside the Worksheet file

5) Do All corrections inside your English worksheet file as revision and hand-in your file
    after the Paper 2 exam.

    * Parents, please sign the EL Worksheet File Content Page for Term 2 
       (after checking through your child's worksheets. Thank you.)

Tomorrow is Sports Day! Remember to do your work today so that you can enjoy tomorrow!


Mdm Tan


  1. Madam Tan, I am very sorry for what i have done. I took a extra booklet B and did not received a booklet A, my group was in a pandemonium I am willing to accept the punishment for my careless mistake, I promise I will not do it again Kai Lin

  2. It's ok Kai Lin. Don't worry. Thank you for telling me.
    Just return the extra booklet B and I will give you the Booklet A on Tuesday. =)
