Wednesday 6 April 2016

EL Matters - 6 April

Dear 5F,

Please remember what I talked about in class just now - to write down/ highlight the notes and extra information that I give the class as I explain how to do any piece of homework.

It is important that you pay close attention to the instructions and hints as I go through the homework so that you can do the work properly.


- Read the LRD and bring it for the LRD Challenge tomorrow.
  Bring your vocab book as well.

- Complete LRD Pg 18 on full scap (By Fri) latest.

- 19 pupils have yet to hand in your spelling book (Latest by tomorrow)

- Some of you have not handed-in your Reported Speech Test 3 corrections and signature homework
  (Latest by tomorrow)

Rest well!


Mdm Tan

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