Monday 25 April 2016

EL Matters - 26 April

Dear 5F,

5 things made me upset today.

1) 6 pupils did not write their name on the Unit 6 Spelling Words meanings homework.
    I am really tired of reminding you to write your name. =(

    2 pupils have not handed-in their homework which was due yesterday. =(

2) 10 pupils have not handed-in their CW2 corrections. Deadline is tomorrow!

3) SW5 - the mock paper was badly done. =(

4) 25 pupils failed their Phrasal Verbs test. =(

5) There were also some boys (seated in front) playing a fool while the video was being taken during the reported speech game. I have recorded it all down. That video was meant to show other teachers. It is so embarrassing to see my pupils behaving like clowns. Really upsetting =(

I really hope that pupils who have not been doing their homework diligently, who have not been listening in class, who have not been revising for their tests and who have been disrespectful, will think about what I have shared in this post. And hopefully, not do it again. Thank you.

1) SW5 corrections - by tomorrow
    Please staple all the pieces of paper properly at home. And write your name on Draft 2.

Extra Online Homework (Optional):
- Conjunctions 'While or During'
- Conjunctions of Time
- Conjunctions 'So, Because, When, Until'
- Conjunctions - Intermediate level
- Conjunctions Quiz

Mdm Tan


  1. Is it write in green pen or blue pen?

  2. May I know what are you referring to? If it is regarding CW2 and SW5 corrections, please use green pen. Corrections should always be done in green.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
