Tuesday 26 April 2016

EL Matters - 27 April

Dear 5F,

  • I have returned your Composition Files to you today.
  • Inside the file, you would have the following:
  • SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, CW1, CW2

 - SW5 will be returned tomorrow after I mark your corrections
 - CW2 - I still have about 20 scripts with me. I will return them tomorrow
 - CW3 - I will return half of the scripts tomorrow and half on Fri.

  • Please use this chance to do ALL the corrections as a form of revision.

  • Bring the file back to school next Tue. I will collect them after your Paper 1 exam.

  • I will return your Worksheet Files tomorrow.

I have also given out some homework with different deadlines.
Once again, I appeal to all pupils to adhere to the deadlines given for each assignment.
Otherwise, you will end up with too much homework towards the end.

Parents, please help to guide your child in meeting the deadlines. Thank you.

1) Unit 5 Companion Booklet corrections - try on your own first. I will go through some corrections tomorrow.

2) Unit 5 Companion Booklet Pg 1 - 7, 12 - 13.
     Refer to the 'unless' notes if you have forgotten how to use 'unless' in a sentence.

3) CW 3 corrections - will be returned to you by Friday.
     Please do your corrections as a form of revision for Paper 1 (By next Tue)

4) Practice Paper A and B (By next Tue)
     Refer to the dictionary and your notes if needed

See you tomorrow!

Mdm Tan

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