Thursday 14 April 2016

EL Matters - 15 April

Dear 5F,

We have come to the end of Week 4. Today is the Mother Tongue oral exam.

I know it is not easy because of the change in the way it is tested.

For English oral, we are still using a picture for SBC. There is no change at the moment with the English oral format. However, it will eventually move towards videos as well. When will the change happen, I do not know. Rest assured that the school will do its best to prepare you in advance when it is finalised.

For now, just do your best in all that you do. And you'll be alright. =)


1) Unit 5 LS 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 (By Mon)
2) Learn Unit 5 spelling (next Mon)
3) Learn Phrasal Verbs List 2 test (week 6)
4) Continue to practice for oral (Week 6, 26 April, Tue)
5) Some pupils have not handed-in SW4 corrections and LRD Pg 14 - 16.
    I would like to have it by next Mon latest.

Take care and see you on Monday!


Mdm Tan

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