Thursday 31 March 2016

EL Matters - 1 April

Dear 5F,

We have reached the end of Term 2 Week 2.

We are now moving much faster in our work - more work done in class and more homework given out.

Also, you have more mini-tests coming up.

I need each of you to be diligent in revising for each test and in doing your homework properly and handing them up on time. We need to work together as a class so that we will do well as a class.

1) Unit 4 Companion Booklet Pg 1 - 7 and 13 - 16. (By Mon)

2) Revise for Unit 4 spelling on Mon.

3) Revise for Reported Speech test 3 (sometime next week)

4) Revise for Phrasal Verbs List 1 test (In week 4)

5) Continue to practise for your Oral Reading Passages 1-3 and plan for your SBC 1-3.
    Be ready for your oral practice session with me, please.

Have a good weekend and I will see you next Monday,


Mdm Tan

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