Wednesday 9 March 2016

Overview of our class performance for Term 1

Dear 5F,

I have given out Test 3 today.

We took a look at our marks as a class and I have shown you where each of you stand with regards to this term's test.

I have guided you on how to set your English target for SA1 and you have jotted your target inside your handbook.

Remember our talk on how to improve on your results. It lies in your attitude in coming to school, during lesson time, as you do your homework, as you handle the distractions and problems in your class/ life. The kind of attitude you have in these areas will determine how well you do in your studies.

Ultimately, results are only one way to view success. My aim for this class is to view success by having a good attitude in how you approach any task given to you. Do each task well; to the best of your ability. Be a person that is reliable, responsible and determined. Know what you want to achieve and work hard towards your goal.

All of you have the capability to do well. I believe in each of you.

You deserve a good break. Rest well and be ready for Term 2.


Mdm Tan

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