Tuesday 29 March 2016

EL Matters - 30 Mar

Dear 5F,

I have given out reported speech test 2. As a class, you have done better than test 1.
However, we still have 30 failures, with some pupils still scoring 0, 1 ,2 and 3 marks.
That is really unacceptable since we have been revising this constantly for 2 weeks now.

Please study harder for your last reported speech test next week. It will be slightly more difficult.


1) Unit 4 Companion Booklet Pg 8 - 9 (By Fri)
2) Reported Speech Test 2 corrections and parent's signature (By Fri)
3) Study for reported speech test 3 (next week)
4) Study for Unit 4 Spelling (next Mon)
5) Study for Phrasal Verbs Test 1 (In Week 4) - refer to the notes inside your vocab book.

Have a good learning journey tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

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