Tuesday 22 March 2016

EL Matters - 23 March

Dear 5F,

Homework for today:

1) Do the Reported Speech test corrections by referring carefully to your notes. (Date due: Thursday) This is a good chance to read your notes properly and to revise for the next 'spring' test.

2) Complete your Unit 4 Spelling list meanings homework by tomorrow. Start revising for Unit 4 Spelling which will be Monday (4 April)

3) Read Unit 4 text and look out for new words and their meanings. Jot them down inside your vocab book. See how the spelling words are used in the text to understand the words better. (By next Tuesday). Bring Unit 4 text next Tuesday.

4) Start practising Reading passages 1-3 and SBC 1-3 inside your LC book according to the rubrics shared in class today. Be ready for your practice session with me.

Love learning! Have fun!


Mdm Tan

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