Thursday 3 March 2016

EL Matters - 4 March

Dear 5F,

You have finished Test 2 today. I hope that you have done your very best and feel good about it.

To prepare you for Test 3, I have assigned you some homework. Do your homework properly (refer to the dictionary when needed) and bring it next Mon so that I can mark and go through before Test 3 on 8 March Tuesday.

Some matters to note:
- Homework: Unit 3 Companion Book Pg 5 - 7, 12 - 13 and 16 (By Mon)

- Bring full scap next Mon

- Ask parents to sign ALL test papers. 

- File in the Practice Paper Booklet A, B and all tests (after signing and completing corrections).
  I will be collecting your EL Worksheet files next Tues after Test 3.

- 8 Mar Tues: Test 3 - Open ended comprehension (10 marks)

Next week is the last week of school for Term 1. We still have a number of things to finish before the March holidays. Please keep yourself healthy by drinking enough water and sleeping early. Come to school everyday. Be ready for school.

You can look forward to a well-deserved break during the holidays. Come back to school recharged and ready to work hard again for Term 2.

Take care.


Mdm Tan

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