Thursday 28 April 2016

EL Matters - 29 April

Dear 5F,

Please refer to the post on 28 April for the homework for the long weekend and the respective deadlines issued.

For those who would like some tips for composition writing (on top of what we have learnt in class), here is a concise website to read. May you find it helpful. =)

Here are the extra online practice websites (optional):

Subject-Verb Agreement Notes and Practice 1

SVA Practice 2

SVA Practice 3

SVA Practice 4

SVA Practice 5

Have a good break! Plan your time well for homework and revision first followed by play.


Mdm Tan

Wednesday 27 April 2016

EL Matters - 28 April

Dear 5F,

I will put up the extra online websites (optional) tomorrow.


1) CW2 and SW5 corrections and Unit 5 Companion Booklet homework - tomorrow is the last day to hand-in.

2) CW3 corrections and all other SW and CW corrections - to be completed over the weekend as revision and filed inside your compo file.

Hand-in your compo file next Tue after your exam.

3) Practice Paper Booklets A and B - to be done properly as revision for SA1 (By next Tue)

4) Study Phrasal Verbs Lists 1, 2 and 3 for Test 3 (Either next Thur or Fri)

    * Parents, please sign the Phrasal Verbs test 2 - already filed inside the Worksheet file

5) Do All corrections inside your English worksheet file as revision and hand-in your file
    after the Paper 2 exam.

    * Parents, please sign the EL Worksheet File Content Page for Term 2 
       (after checking through your child's worksheets. Thank you.)

Tomorrow is Sports Day! Remember to do your work today so that you can enjoy tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

Tuesday 26 April 2016

EL Matters - 27 April

Dear 5F,

  • I have returned your Composition Files to you today.
  • Inside the file, you would have the following:
  • SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, CW1, CW2

 - SW5 will be returned tomorrow after I mark your corrections
 - CW2 - I still have about 20 scripts with me. I will return them tomorrow
 - CW3 - I will return half of the scripts tomorrow and half on Fri.

  • Please use this chance to do ALL the corrections as a form of revision.

  • Bring the file back to school next Tue. I will collect them after your Paper 1 exam.

  • I will return your Worksheet Files tomorrow.

I have also given out some homework with different deadlines.
Once again, I appeal to all pupils to adhere to the deadlines given for each assignment.
Otherwise, you will end up with too much homework towards the end.

Parents, please help to guide your child in meeting the deadlines. Thank you.

1) Unit 5 Companion Booklet corrections - try on your own first. I will go through some corrections tomorrow.

2) Unit 5 Companion Booklet Pg 1 - 7, 12 - 13.
     Refer to the 'unless' notes if you have forgotten how to use 'unless' in a sentence.

3) CW 3 corrections - will be returned to you by Friday.
     Please do your corrections as a form of revision for Paper 1 (By next Tue)

4) Practice Paper A and B (By next Tue)
     Refer to the dictionary and your notes if needed

See you tomorrow!

Mdm Tan

Monday 25 April 2016

EL Matters - 26 April

Dear 5F,

5 things made me upset today.

1) 6 pupils did not write their name on the Unit 6 Spelling Words meanings homework.
    I am really tired of reminding you to write your name. =(

    2 pupils have not handed-in their homework which was due yesterday. =(

2) 10 pupils have not handed-in their CW2 corrections. Deadline is tomorrow!

3) SW5 - the mock paper was badly done. =(

4) 25 pupils failed their Phrasal Verbs test. =(

5) There were also some boys (seated in front) playing a fool while the video was being taken during the reported speech game. I have recorded it all down. That video was meant to show other teachers. It is so embarrassing to see my pupils behaving like clowns. Really upsetting =(

I really hope that pupils who have not been doing their homework diligently, who have not been listening in class, who have not been revising for their tests and who have been disrespectful, will think about what I have shared in this post. And hopefully, not do it again. Thank you.

1) SW5 corrections - by tomorrow
    Please staple all the pieces of paper properly at home. And write your name on Draft 2.

Extra Online Homework (Optional):
- Conjunctions 'While or During'
- Conjunctions of Time
- Conjunctions 'So, Because, When, Until'
- Conjunctions - Intermediate level
- Conjunctions Quiz

Mdm Tan

Sunday 24 April 2016

EL Matters - 25 April

Dear 5F,

As stated in the exam letter, 5F SA1 oral exam is tomorrow.

Estimated dismissal time is at 3.30pm (as all of you have sat for your MT oral exam already).

Please come in neat attire. Remember not to look untidy for any exam.

Remember to introduce your name, class and index number before requesting to be seated.

Be polite, speak clearly, loudly and confidently.

You would need to do your best.


1) Do Compo 2 corrections (by Tue)

2) Study for phrasal verbs lists 1 and 2 test (tomoroow)

3) About 10 pupils have yet to hand-in your Unit 6 spelling word meanings (Tomorrow is the last day)

I will be giving you homework everyday this week. Please be diligent and set aside time every day to complete your homework before you play. Your SA1 exams starts tomorrow. So please take care of yourself and plan your time well each day.


Mdm Tan

Thursday 21 April 2016

EL Matters - 22 April

Dear 5F,


1) Unit 6 Spelling Words Meanings (By Mon)
    Read the text to understand how the words are used in the story.

2) Study for Phrasal Verbs lists 1 and 2 test

3) Practise Reading Passage 2 according to the points I highlighted in class today.


Mdm Tan

EL Matters - 21 April

Dear 5F,

Today, about 13 pupils from the class have requested for more homework to be given.

I will put up extra online practices for those who would like more practice.
(About once in 2 days)

This is optional but I hope many of you will look through the links as it takes time to find them for you.

Remember to complete all other homework assignments first before attempting these additional practices.

Hope you find them useful.

Extra Practice:

Conjunctions 1

Conjunctions 2

Conjunctions 3

Homework for today:

1) Unit 5 LS worksheet corrections. I will be going through this worksheet tomorrow. So please bring the worksheet.

2) Passive to Active voice wkst inside vocab bk. Please complete this before I go through the answers tomorrow. Remember the rules that I have taught you.

3) I am still waiting for 10 spelling books and 1 Unit 5 Companion booklet.
    Please be a responsible pupil and hand-in your work on time. =(

4) Please study for your Phrasal verbs lists 1 and 2 tests (next week)


Mdm Tan

Tuesday 19 April 2016

EL Matters - 20 April

Dear 5F,

Today we revised how to:

  • Identify sentences in the Active and Passive voice,
  • Identify the subject, verb and object in each sentence
  • Change sentences in the Passive voice to Active voice
Here are the videos and practices that we used in class today.
You may take a look at them again as you revise.


1) Passive to Active Voice worksheet (inside vocab bk) - By Fri
2) Unit 5 Learning Sheet corrections - By Fri
3) Some pupils have yet to hand-in Unit 5 Spelling Book and signature - By Thurs latest
4) Some pupils have yet to hand-in Unit 5 Companion Booklet - By Thurs latest
5) Bring LRD and Vocab bk tomorrow for the LRD Challenge

See you folks!


Mdm Tan

Monday 18 April 2016

EL Matters - 19 April

Dear 5F,


1) Do Unit 5 Spelling corrections and ask parents to sign (By Wed)

2) Unit 5 Companion Booklet Pg 8 - 11 and 14 - 15 (By Wed)

3) Read the LRD for the LRD Challenge this Thursday.
    Remember to bring the LRD and Vocab Book on Thursday.

4) Bring full scap paper tomorrow.

See you class!


Mdm Tan

Sunday 17 April 2016

EL Matters - 18 April

Dear 5F,

                    No homework today!

                    Hip hip hooray!

                    However, it's not time to play.

                    Remember our test on phrasal verbs.

                    Remember your oral, in other words...

                    No homework today!

                    Hip hip hooray!

                    It's time for me to revise first...

                    Then play. =p

I will see you soon.


Mdm Tan

Thursday 14 April 2016

EL Matters - 15 April

Dear 5F,

We have come to the end of Week 4. Today is the Mother Tongue oral exam.

I know it is not easy because of the change in the way it is tested.

For English oral, we are still using a picture for SBC. There is no change at the moment with the English oral format. However, it will eventually move towards videos as well. When will the change happen, I do not know. Rest assured that the school will do its best to prepare you in advance when it is finalised.

For now, just do your best in all that you do. And you'll be alright. =)


1) Unit 5 LS 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 (By Mon)
2) Learn Unit 5 spelling (next Mon)
3) Learn Phrasal Verbs List 2 test (week 6)
4) Continue to practice for oral (Week 6, 26 April, Tue)
5) Some pupils have not handed-in SW4 corrections and LRD Pg 14 - 16.
    I would like to have it by next Mon latest.

Take care and see you on Monday!


Mdm Tan

Wednesday 13 April 2016

EL Matters - 14 April

Dear 5F,


1) Do Situational Writing 4 corrections properly (by tomorrow)
    Refer to the model answer for all the content points.
    I do not wish to see many mistakes in your corrections.

    Staple in this sequence: Top - Corrections
                                           Middle - Draft 1
                                           Bottom - Model Answer

2) Do Phrasal Verbs Test 1 corrections (By tomorrow)
    Refer to your notes inside the vocab book.

3) Study both Phrasal Verbs List 1 and 2 for test 2 (In Week 6)

4) Study for Unit 5 Spelling (next Mon)

5) 9 pupils have not handed-in their LRD Pg 14 - 16 Part 1 homework.
    Tomorrow is the last day to hand-in.

6) Bring full scap tomorrow.

I will see you on Friday.


Mdm Tan

Tuesday 12 April 2016

EL Matters - 13 April

Dear 5F,

Do note that the SA1 oral dates are confirmed.

5F will have their oral on 26 April (Tues) after school from 1.45pm - 3.30pm.

By this Thursday, I would have met up with everyone for their oral practice.
Next week, I will meet up with some of you again for a 2nd round.
Please prepare and practise using the comments that I have given to each of you.
That will make our sessions more meaningful and useful.


1) LRD Pg 14 -16, stapled together with name written (By tomorrow)

2) Bring full scap paper tomorrow and on Friday.

3) Study for Unit 5 Spelling (Next Mon)

4) Start studying for Phrasal Verbs list 2 test in Week 6

5) Continue practising for oral

Have a good Wednesday!


Mdm Tan

Monday 11 April 2016

EL Matters - 12 April

Dear 5F,

The phrasal verbs test will be tomorrow. Study hard and do well, please!


1) LRD Pg 14 - 16 (by Thur)
    For Pg 16, do only Part 1.
    Tear out, staple together and write your name and class.

2) Study for Phrasal Verbs test.

3) Study for Unit 5 Spelling (Next Mon)

Those selected for English remedial this term, lessons will begin this Thursday (14/4) from 2.15pm - 3.45pm. Please leave your bag in the classroom before proceeding for lunch. After lunch, meet in the hall at 2.10pm.

I will not be able to conduct the remedial this Thursday as I will be attending a course in the afternoon. Ms Gowri will help me to conduct that lesson. I will see all of you for the 2nd (and final) session on 21 April.

Do your best always!


Mdm Tan

Sunday 10 April 2016

EL Matters - 11 April

Dear 5F,

I enjoyed the poem reading by our friends today. I hope you did too.

Do let me know if you come across a story or poem you would like to share with the class.

You can either read it to the class or someone could read it aloud for you.


1) Do Unit 4 Companion Booklet corrections (whole book) (By Mon)

2) Study for Phrasal Verbs List 1 test (this week)

3) Bring Unit 5 text tomorrow

See you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

Thursday 7 April 2016

EL Matters - 8 April

Dear 5F,

It's the end of the week again.

From a show of hands of the pupils who have NOT completed their homework through the week, I counted at least 5 pupils who have a lot of English homework to do this weekend.

It is not a wise idea to leave work undone till the last minute. Otherwise, you may be over stressed in completing them within such a short duration.

Please cultivate the discipline to do a bit of work everyday. 


1) 10 pupils have not submitted LRD Pg 18 (full scap). It is due latest by Mon.

2) Complete Unit 5 Spelling words meanings and bring Unit 5 text next Mon.

3) Revise for the Phrasal Verbs List 1 test (held next week)

4) Bring full scap paper next Monday.

5) 6 pupils who still failed their Reported speech retest have to meet me after school for 10 min on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (I can't make it on Thursday) next week. I will conduct a short remedial lesson each time. This will end with a final retest on Friday.
Please revise your worksheets and notes. You need to revise at home as well.

Till Monday, see you folks...


Mdm Tan

EL Matters - 7 April

Dear 5F,

I hope you enjoyed the 3rd LRD Challenge carried out today.

Part of the challenge is to work fast to find the answers. So it is important to read the LRD at home before Challenge Day itself.


1) Do LRD Pg 18 on full scap (By tomorrow)

2) Bring LRD tomorrow.

3) Complete Unit 5 Spelling Word Meanings and read Unit 5 text (By next Mon)

4) Revise Phrasal Verb List 1 test (next week)

5) Continue to practise for Oral

See you class! It's Rainbow Day tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

Wednesday 6 April 2016

EL Matters - 6 April

Dear 5F,

Please remember what I talked about in class just now - to write down/ highlight the notes and extra information that I give the class as I explain how to do any piece of homework.

It is important that you pay close attention to the instructions and hints as I go through the homework so that you can do the work properly.


- Read the LRD and bring it for the LRD Challenge tomorrow.
  Bring your vocab book as well.

- Complete LRD Pg 18 on full scap (By Fri) latest.

- 19 pupils have yet to hand in your spelling book (Latest by tomorrow)

- Some of you have not handed-in your Reported Speech Test 3 corrections and signature homework
  (Latest by tomorrow)

Rest well!


Mdm Tan

Monday 4 April 2016

EL Matters - 5 April

Dear 5F,

Congratulations to those of you who have improved in your marks from Reported Speech Test 2 to Test 3. You have worked hard and deserve it! Continue to do your best! =)

13 pupils who scored between 1 - 7 marks will have a retest this Thursday during recess.
Please study hard. Your target is to pass the test this Thursday.

1) Do Reported Speech test 3 corrections and ask parents to sign (By tomorrow)

2) Do Spelling corrections and ask parents to sign. (By tomorrow)

3) Read LRD and prepare for LRD Challenge (On Thursday)
    Bring the LRD on Thursday.

4) Do LRD Pg 18 on full scap paper (By this Friday latest)

5) Study for Phrasal Verbs List 1 test (next week)

6) Continue to practise for Oral.

I know that the work must be a bit overwhelming at this point in time for some of you.

Remember to pace yourself. Stick closely to the deadlines given to you. Do your work the moment you reach home and have settled down. Do not miss any deadline, otherwise your work will pile up.

After you have finished your work for the day, go ahead to have a good rest and be ready for the next day. Pack your bag the day before. Be ready and alert for school everyday.

All of you can achieve your targets. Stay the course and be focused till the end. You can do it!


Mdm Tan

Sunday 3 April 2016

EL Matters - 4 April

Dear 5F,

We have finished our last reported speech test for this term. I really do hope that this series of 3 tests has helped you to be more confident in answering reported speech questions. Remember to keep revising and practising such questions all the way to the exam in week 8 (9 April).

We will be embarking on a series of Phrasal Verbs tests and Synthesis and Transformation tests next.
The tests will stretch into Term 3.

- Read Unit 5 Space Junk text (By next Mon)
- Do Unit 5 spelling words meanings (By next Mon)
  Remember to learn the meaning of the words as you read the text so that you will understand how it
  is used in a sentence.
- Study Phrasal Verbs List 1 (inside vocab book) for the test next week

I will see you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan