Sunday 10 July 2016

SLW2 (Round 2) Answers

   across      along      away      into      off      out      over      through      up      with   
Top of Form

1. He came into a lot of money at a very early age, so he has never had to work.

2. We are going to the beach later. Would you like to come along ?

3. At first, he comes across as rather shy. But when you get to know him, you'll notice he has a hilarious sense of humor.

4. They were having problems with the ship's radio, so none of the messages came through clearly.

5. The pictures I took on vacation came out great. I can't wait to show them to you.

6. Although the negotiations lasted more than two weeks, the representatives came away feeling like they had accomplished nothing.

7. Sam and Evan came up with a great marketing strategy for their new product.

8. The toy doesn't come with batteries. You have to buy them separately.

9. Camille is coming over for dinner tonight.

10. When I tried to open the door, the knob came off in my hand and I was stuck in the room for more than two hours.

1 comment:

  1. Corrections:into,along,across,through out, away, up , with,over, off
