Wednesday 13 July 2016

EL Matters and Phrasal Verbs Test Results - 14 July

Dear 5F,

We had our open-book phrasal verbs test yesterday.

I'm sad to say that we have 13 pupils who failed the test.

These 13 pupils will have to sit for the retest next Mon during recess. If they still fail after that, they will have to stay back during recess from Tuesday to Friday to study for Phrasal Verbs.

I would need parents of these pupils to ensure that they revise for all their class tests.
These class tests are important because they are bite-sized tests that help your child to be prepared for the main exams, (Tip: Study from the previous phrasal verbs test papers, including the most recent open-book test)

They will bring home their test paper today for parents to monitor and sign. I would like to see all test papers signed by tomorrow.


- LRD Page 14 Part 1 and 2 (By Tmr)
- Study for Spelling test on Semester 1's words (Tmr)
- Study for Phrasal Verbs test on List 4 (Next Wed)
- 20 pupils have not completed CW5 - A Conflict 
  Tomorrow is the last day to hand-in. Otherwise, pupils will have to stay back after school to
  complete it.

To all parents and pupils who have been reading the class blog on a regular basis, I would like to thank you for your effort in monitoring your child's work and progress. I believe your child benefits greatly from this knowing that you are updated with class matters and homework.


Mdm Tan


  1. hi Mdm Tan neo here I just want to know if tmr spelling is being tested by saying the words or by saying the meaning

  2. I would appreciate you asking me this question earlier, Neo.

    It will be tested the usual way.
