Monday 4 July 2016

EL Matters - 5 July

Dear 5F,

Some of you have not finished your CW4 Draft 2 corrections.

As such, that will be your homework over the holiday. Please submit it latest by this Thursday.

Some reminders:

- Go into the blog every Fri - Sun (9 pm latest) to give your answers for SLW2 and win a free period of English games the following week.

- There will be a phrasal verbs (Open-book) test next Wed (13 July) on Semester 1's phrasal verbs.
Remember to study and bring your book for the test.

- Phrasal Verbs List 4 (Term 3) test will be in week 4. Please start studying for it.

- Term 3's spelling list is not out yet. So I will conduct spelling on Semester 1's words next Friday (15 July). If you have lost the spelling lists, please print out the lists I put up on the blog a few days ago.

Have a good Hari Raya Puasa holiday and see you this Thursday!


Mdm Tan

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