Sunday 17 July 2016

EL Matters - 18 July

Dear 5F,

Hope you had a good weekend break.

We are now into week 4 of Term 3. I hope everyone has already adjusted well to the pace of Term 3.

Thank you to the 15 pupils who have managed to post their answers to SLW2 Round 3 on the class blog. I understand that about 12 pupils are experiencing technical difficulties regarding posting comments on the blog. My school's IT technician has confirmed that you would need to set-up a Google account before posting a comment on the blog. If your existing Google account does not work for this, could you please set-up a new account to try again? Thank you for trying your best.


- Sign Spelling Book and do corrections (By Tue)
  (We have 9 failures. Parents, I would need your help to ensure that your child studies for all their spelling tests and is prepared for them. Thank you.)

- Practice Reading Aloud and SBC in LC Book for Practice 4 and 5 (By Week 6)

- Unit 7 Spelling will be next Friday (29 July). I'm still waiting for 11 pupils to hand-in today's homework so that I can go through the answers tomorrow and return the spelling list back to everyone for you to study.


- Study for Phrasal Verbs test 4 (this Wed)
- EL Remedial will begin this Friday (1.45pm-3.15pm)

Thank you.


Mdm Tan

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