Wednesday 20 July 2016

EL Matters - 21 July

Dear 5F,

I have marked your phrasal verbs test 4.

22 pupils have failed this test.

I will return the test paper tomorrow and you will know your results. Take note that pupils who have failed the test will have to sit for the retest next Mon during recess.

Parents, please sign your child's test paper tomorrow and guide your child with revision over the weekend. Thank you.


- 21 pupils have not handed-in yesterday's homework (Unit 8 Stellar Worksheet). Tomorrow is the deadline.

- Practise Reading Passages and SBC 4 and 5 inside your LC book. (By week 6)

- This week's LRD is extremely useful for improving on Oral. There are 8 reading passages and SBC with good helping words. Please study this week's LRD to see how you can expand on your ideas for SBC, how to use the helping words provided for SBC and lastly, use this chance to brush up on your reading aloud. You are strongly encouraged to write down the helping words and their meanings into your vocab book for revision. You may choose to write those words/ phrases that you are more likely to use.

See you tomorrow!

Mdm Tan

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