Monday 11 July 2016

Group Composition Competition

Dear 5F,

Here are the photos of the compositions that the class has written.

Choose the compo that you like the most based on the following criteria:

  • Interesting story line
  • Clear and complete story
  • Good vocabulary used
  • Good grammar and punctuation

Your CW5 Homework deadline has been extended to Thursday instead of tomorrow.
You may use some of the ideas from other groups to write your compo, entitled "A Conflict".

Enjoy the writing process!


Mdm Tan

Mulken, Zi Xian, Yu Xuan, Yao Xian:

Shao Wei, Wai Hin, Jonas:

Jenna, Esther, Jia Qi:
Pages 1 - 2
Pages 2-3

Taufiq, Haiyye, Nicholas:

Reynard, Austin, Samuel, Jia Yie:

Elizabeth Grace, Alyssa, Aniqah:

Elizabeth Loo, Trina, Yun Yi:

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