Thursday 28 July 2016

EL Matters - 29 July and SLW2 (Round 5)

Dear 5F,

We did some revision today using the links below.

Tenses Quiz 1

Tenses Quiz 2

Tenses Quiz 3


Find the meaning of Unit 8 Spelling Words - Worksheet (By Mon)


- Bring full scap next Mon.
- Study for Phrasal Verbs Test 5 (next Wed)
- Bring LC Book (next Wed)

SLW2 - Round 5

Write down the correct answer.

E.g. (A) He and I are going home.
        (B) He and me are going home.

Answer: A

1. (A) The food was meant for she and I.
    (B) The food was meant for she and me.

2. (A) I and he do not understand the question.
    (B) Me and he do not understand the question.

3. (A) Shall you and me go there now?
    (B) Shall you and I go there now?

4. (A) My friend and me loved the movie.
    (B) My friend and I loved the movie.

5. (A) It was a great day for both my uncle and I.
    (B) It was a great day for both my uncle and me.

6. (A) Do you know who is going with my sister and I?
    (B) Do you know who is going with my sister and me?

7. (A) I think me and she will go with you.
    (B) I think I and she will go with you.

8. (A) If you and me are going, who is going with them?
    (B) If you and I are going, who is going with them?

9. (A) Derrick and I will go with them tomorrow.
    (B) Derrick and me will go with them tomorrow.

10. (A) Or shall it be Celeste and me?
      (B) Or shall it be Celeste and I?

Wednesday 27 July 2016

EL Matters - 28 July

Dear 5F,

Here is a link that explains when to use 'My friend and me' and 'My friend and I'.

A good trick would be to take away 'My friend' in the sentence and see whether it is grammatically correct.

• Me (and my friend) went to a party last night. 
• I (and my friend) went to a party last night. [Correct]

• (My friend and) me went to a party last night.  
• (My friend and) I went to a party last night. [Correct]

• The mayor has invited me (and my husband). [Correct]
• The mayor has invited I (and my husband). 

• The mayor has invited (my husband and) me. [Correct]
• The mayor has invited (my husband and) I. 

Hope you are able to apply what you have learnt to your writing.


  • Do SW7 Corrections (By Fri)

  • Unit 7 Spelling is tomorrow.
  • Phrasal Verbs test 5 (next Wed)
  • Bring full scap paper next Mon.
  • Bring LC Book next Wed. Remember to practise Reading Aloud and SBC 4 and 5 by then.

Mdm Tan

Tuesday 26 July 2016

EL Matters - 27 July

Dear 5F,


- Do Unit 8 CB Pg 13 - 15 and 17 (By Thurs)
Please refer to the dictionary for Pg 17.


- Some pupils have not submitted their spelling book.
   Bring your book by tomorrow as we would need it by this Fri for Unit 7 Spelling.

- Revise for Unit 7 Spelling (this Fri)

- Revise for Phrasal Verbs Test 5 (next Wed)

See you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

Monday 25 July 2016

EL Matters - 26 July

Dear 5F,


- Do Unit 8 CB Pg 8, 9 and 11 (By Wed)


- Hand-in Unit 8 LS tomorrow.
- Study for Unit 7 Spelling (this Fri)
- Study for Phrasal Verbs Test 5 (next Wed)
- Study Week 4's LRD on Oral (write down the good words/ phrases and their meanings inside your vocab bk) (No deadline, but by the end of Term 3)

See you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

Sunday 24 July 2016

EL Matters - 25 July

Dear 5F,

After the retest today, we have 9 pupils who have to stay back during recess this week (Tue to Fri) to revise for their phrasal verbs test 5 with me.

Homework/ Reminders:

- Do Unit 8 LS corrections (By Tue)

- 14 pupils have not handed-in Phrasal Verbs Test 4 (parent's signature). Tomorrow is the last day.

- Study for Unit 7 Spelling (this Fri)
   * Please ensure that your spelling book is inside the class metal cupboard by this Fri.

- Study for Phrasal Verbs test 5 (next Wed 3 Aug)

See you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

SLW2 - Round 4 Answers

   away      by      down      into      off      on      out      over      through      under   
Top of Form

1. They were party animals in college. They went out almost every night and rarely came home before four o'clock in the morning.

2. I am sorry I interrupted you. Please go on. I really want to hear the end of your story.

3. Our neighbour's car alarm went off several times last night, so I didn't sleep well at all.

4. The project is classified by the military, so I am not allowed to go into the details. Let's just say it's going to cost the government a lot of money.

5. The test is fairly complicated. I would suggest going over your notes from class a couple of times before you try to take it.

6. I'll mail that letter for you. I go by the post office on my way to work.

7. Did you see that news report about the hikers who were lost in the mountains for more than a week? I couldn't believe everything they went through. Their story was absolutely incredible.

8. Jerry really struggled to keep his business going. But after months without any customers, it finally went under.

9. I had the hiccups for over half an hour. Luckily, my friend Jane showed me a trick to make them go away.

10. The doctor made Joe lie in a cold bath to help his fever go down.

Thursday 21 July 2016

EL Matters - 22 July and SLW2 (Round 4)

Dear 5F,

The 22 pupils who have failed Phrasal Verbs test 4 will have a retest next Mon.
Please revise for it well.

SW7 Writing a Blog Entry (By Mon)

- Study for Unit 7 Spelling test (29 July Friday)
- Revise LC Book Reading and SBC 4 and 5 (By Week 6)
- Study this week's LRD and write the good words/phrases inside your vocab book
(No deadline. Plan your time well to finish it by this term.)
- Post your answers to SLW2 Round 4 below.

Have a good weekend break. See you next Mon!


Mdm Tan


Fill in the blanks using the words in the box below.
You can only use each word once.
Number your answers clearly. Be sure to write your name first.
E.g. Claire (1) xxx, (2) yyy, (3) zzz etc..

   away      by      down      into      off      on      out      over      through      under   
Top of Form

1. They were party animals in college. They went  almost every night and rarely came home before four o'clock in the morning.

2. I am sorry I interrupted you. Please go . I really want to hear the end of your story.

3. Our neighbour's car alarm went  several times last night, so I didn't sleep well at all.

4. The project is classified by the military, so I am not allowed to go  the details. Let's just say it's going to cost the government a lot of money.

5. The test is fairly complicated. I would suggest going  your notes from class a couple of times before you try to take it.

6. I'll mail that letter for you. I go  the post office on my way to work.

7. Did you see that news report about the hikers who were lost in the mountains for more than a week? I couldn't believe everything they went . Their story was absolutely incredible.

8. Jerry really struggled to keep his business going. But after months without any customers, it finally went .

9. I had the hiccups for over half an hour. Luckily, my friend Jane showed me a trick to make them go .

10. The doctor made Joe lie in a cold bath to help his fever go .

Wednesday 20 July 2016

EL Matters - 21 July

Dear 5F,

I have marked your phrasal verbs test 4.

22 pupils have failed this test.

I will return the test paper tomorrow and you will know your results. Take note that pupils who have failed the test will have to sit for the retest next Mon during recess.

Parents, please sign your child's test paper tomorrow and guide your child with revision over the weekend. Thank you.


- 21 pupils have not handed-in yesterday's homework (Unit 8 Stellar Worksheet). Tomorrow is the deadline.

- Practise Reading Passages and SBC 4 and 5 inside your LC book. (By week 6)

- This week's LRD is extremely useful for improving on Oral. There are 8 reading passages and SBC with good helping words. Please study this week's LRD to see how you can expand on your ideas for SBC, how to use the helping words provided for SBC and lastly, use this chance to brush up on your reading aloud. You are strongly encouraged to write down the helping words and their meanings into your vocab book for revision. You may choose to write those words/ phrases that you are more likely to use.

See you tomorrow!

Mdm Tan

Monday 18 July 2016

EL Matters - 19 July

Dear 5F,

(1) Please revise for the Phrasal Verbs test tmr (List 4). It is a closed book test.

(2) Read Unit 8 text (What Happens When You Laugh) and look up the meanings of the words you are not sure of.

I will be out for a Science competition tomorrow.

As such, I will not see you tomorrow but I have instructed you on the work to be done in class tomorrow (Complete Unit 8 Stellar Wkst).

Please hand-in your completed work on Thursday.

See you on Thursday!


Mdm Tan

Sunday 17 July 2016

EL Matters - 18 July

Dear 5F,

Hope you had a good weekend break.

We are now into week 4 of Term 3. I hope everyone has already adjusted well to the pace of Term 3.

Thank you to the 15 pupils who have managed to post their answers to SLW2 Round 3 on the class blog. I understand that about 12 pupils are experiencing technical difficulties regarding posting comments on the blog. My school's IT technician has confirmed that you would need to set-up a Google account before posting a comment on the blog. If your existing Google account does not work for this, could you please set-up a new account to try again? Thank you for trying your best.


- Sign Spelling Book and do corrections (By Tue)
  (We have 9 failures. Parents, I would need your help to ensure that your child studies for all their spelling tests and is prepared for them. Thank you.)

- Practice Reading Aloud and SBC in LC Book for Practice 4 and 5 (By Week 6)

- Unit 7 Spelling will be next Friday (29 July). I'm still waiting for 11 pupils to hand-in today's homework so that I can go through the answers tomorrow and return the spelling list back to everyone for you to study.


- Study for Phrasal Verbs test 4 (this Wed)
- EL Remedial will begin this Friday (1.45pm-3.15pm)

Thank you.


Mdm Tan

SLW2 Round 3 Answers

across     along    around     back to    into    out     through    to    together   up   
Top of Form

Dear Mom and Dad,

I finally got (1) into that philosophy class I was telling you about. It wasn't easy. It's a required course and there is no way to get (2) around it. The professor, Dr. Schmitt, seems very good, but I think his class is going to be quite a challenge.

Yesterday was the first day of the course. He gave everyone in the class a syllabus describing the homework and the exams. I couldn't believe how much he expects us to do. Several of the students immediately got (3) up and left the room. After they were gone, Professor Schmitt started asking the remaining students philosophical questions. They all had great answers, but then he got (4) to me. "What is art?" he asked me. I tried to answer him, but I couldn't get what I wanted to say (5) across to him. He smiled at me and got three or four art books (6) out. He passed the art books around and asked us to discuss the question in groups. The people in my discussion group were really great; we all really enjoyed debating the question. Since we got (7) along so well, we have decided to form a study group, so we can help each other get (8) through this class.

I know my grades haven't been the best, but with the help of this study group I should be able to get it (9) together and do better this semester. Well, I need to get (10)  back to work and finish my assignments for tomorrow. Everybody take care, and I'll see you at Thanksgiving.


Thursday 14 July 2016

EL Matters - 15 July and SLW2 Round 3

Dear 5F,

We have completed Unit 7, 1 SW and 1 CW.

I have given out Unit 7 Spelling homework - for you to find the meanings (By Mon).

Please revise for your Phrasal verbs test on list 4 (Next Wed).

Phrasal verbs open-book retest will be next Mon.

I hope more pupils will be able to do SLW2 this weekend. Have fun!


Mdm Tan

Fill in the blanks using the words in the box below.
You can only use each word once.
Number your answers clearly. Be sure to write your name first.
E.g. Claire (1) xxx, (2) yyy, (3) zzz etc..

across     along    around     back to    into    out     through    to    together   up   
Top of Form

Dear Mom and Dad, 

I finally got (1)   that philosophy class I was telling you about. It wasn't easy. It's a required course and there is no way to get (2)  it. The professor, Dr. Schmitt, seems very good, but I think his class is going to be quite a challenge. 

Yesterday was the first day of the course. He gave everyone in the class a syllabus describing the homework and the exams. I couldn't believe how much he expects us to do. Several of the students immediately got (3)  and left the room. After they were gone, Professor Schmitt started asking the remaining students philosophical questions. They all had great answers, but then he got (4)  me. "What is art?" he asked me. I tried to answer him, but I couldn't get what I wanted to say (5)  to him. He smiled at me and got three or four art books (6) . He passed the art books around and asked us to discuss the question in groups. The people in my discussion group were really great; we all really enjoyed debating the question. Since we got (7)  so well, we have decided to form a study group, so we can help each other get (8)  this class.

I know my grades haven't been the best, but with the help of this study group I should be able to get it (9)  and do better this semester. Well, I need to get (10)   work and finish my assignments for tomorrow. Everybody take care, and I'll see you at Thanksgiving. 


Orchid hybridization

A session where pupils learnt how to pollinate an orchid and also learnt the different parts of an orchid flowers.

Pupils also went home with a "Lady of the night" orchid and were briefed on how to take care of the orchids that blooms well and in large numbers. 

Do remember to water the orchids daily, kids.

Pictures from NE show

Some memories are happy memories. Others are sad. NE show for this year is memorable- a shared experience with notable challenges faced.

May we learn from the ordeals of that day and becoming stronger and more understanding people.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

EL Matters and Phrasal Verbs Test Results - 14 July

Dear 5F,

We had our open-book phrasal verbs test yesterday.

I'm sad to say that we have 13 pupils who failed the test.

These 13 pupils will have to sit for the retest next Mon during recess. If they still fail after that, they will have to stay back during recess from Tuesday to Friday to study for Phrasal Verbs.

I would need parents of these pupils to ensure that they revise for all their class tests.
These class tests are important because they are bite-sized tests that help your child to be prepared for the main exams, (Tip: Study from the previous phrasal verbs test papers, including the most recent open-book test)

They will bring home their test paper today for parents to monitor and sign. I would like to see all test papers signed by tomorrow.


- LRD Page 14 Part 1 and 2 (By Tmr)
- Study for Spelling test on Semester 1's words (Tmr)
- Study for Phrasal Verbs test on List 4 (Next Wed)
- 20 pupils have not completed CW5 - A Conflict 
  Tomorrow is the last day to hand-in. Otherwise, pupils will have to stay back after school to
  complete it.

To all parents and pupils who have been reading the class blog on a regular basis, I would like to thank you for your effort in monitoring your child's work and progress. I believe your child benefits greatly from this knowing that you are updated with class matters and homework.


Mdm Tan

EL Matters - 13 July

Dear 5F,


- SW6 Corrections (for pupils who have not completed) (By tomorrow)

- CW5: A Conflict (By tomorrow)

See you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

Monday 11 July 2016

Group Composition Competition

Dear 5F,

Here are the photos of the compositions that the class has written.

Choose the compo that you like the most based on the following criteria:

  • Interesting story line
  • Clear and complete story
  • Good vocabulary used
  • Good grammar and punctuation

Your CW5 Homework deadline has been extended to Thursday instead of tomorrow.
You may use some of the ideas from other groups to write your compo, entitled "A Conflict".

Enjoy the writing process!


Mdm Tan

Mulken, Zi Xian, Yu Xuan, Yao Xian:

Shao Wei, Wai Hin, Jonas:

Jenna, Esther, Jia Qi:
Pages 1 - 2
Pages 2-3

Taufiq, Haiyye, Nicholas:

Reynard, Austin, Samuel, Jia Yie:

Elizabeth Grace, Alyssa, Aniqah:

Elizabeth Loo, Trina, Yun Yi:

EL Matters - Compo Resource

Dear 5F,

Here is a good link to guide you on how to write a compo from beginning to end.

It gives you some ideas as well on the various topics that come out during PSLE.

I hope you find it useful and will put into practice some of the ideas inside.

Enjoy writing and exploring.


Mdm Tan

Sunday 10 July 2016

EL Matters - 11 July

Dear 5F,

Thank you to all who have tried to participate in SLW2.

Do remember to ask your parents for help if you have difficulty posting your comments on the blog.

I look forward to more pupils participating in this.

Some reminders:

- No homework today.
- Bring LC book, spelling book and full scap paper tomorrow.
- Study for the open-book Phrasal Verbs test (this Wed)
- Study for Semester 1's spelling words (this Fri)

See you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

SLW2 (Round 2) Answers

   across      along      away      into      off      out      over      through      up      with   
Top of Form

1. He came into a lot of money at a very early age, so he has never had to work.

2. We are going to the beach later. Would you like to come along ?

3. At first, he comes across as rather shy. But when you get to know him, you'll notice he has a hilarious sense of humor.

4. They were having problems with the ship's radio, so none of the messages came through clearly.

5. The pictures I took on vacation came out great. I can't wait to show them to you.

6. Although the negotiations lasted more than two weeks, the representatives came away feeling like they had accomplished nothing.

7. Sam and Evan came up with a great marketing strategy for their new product.

8. The toy doesn't come with batteries. You have to buy them separately.

9. Camille is coming over for dinner tonight.

10. When I tried to open the door, the knob came off in my hand and I was stuck in the room for more than two hours.

Thursday 7 July 2016

EL Matters - 8 July and SLW2 (Round 2)

Dear 5F,


SW6 - Formal Email (By Mon 11 July)


- Bring full scap next Mon.
- Study for Phrasal Verbs open book test (next Wed)
- Study for Spelling test (Semester 1's words) (next Fri)
- Study for Phrasal Verbs 4 test (Week 4)

Have fun with SLW2 (Round 2):


Mdm Tan

Fill in the blanks using the words in the box below.
You can only use each word once.
Number your answers clearly. Be sure to write your name first.
E.g. Claire (1) xxx, (2) yyy, (3) zzz etc...
   across      along      away      into      off      out      over      through      up      with   
Top of Form

1. He came  a lot of money at a very early age, so he has never had to work.

2. We are going to the beach later. Would you like to come  ?

3. At first, he comes  as rather shy. But when you get to know him, you'll notice he has a hilarious sense of humor.

4. They were having problems with the ship's radio, so none of the messages came  clearly.

5. The pictures I took on vacation came  great. I can't wait to show them to you.

6. Although the negotiations lasted more than two weeks, the representatives came  feeling like they had accomplished nothing.

7. Sam and Evan came  with a great marketing strategy for their new product.

8. The toy doesn't come  batteries. You have to buy them separately.

9. Camille is coming  for dinner tonight.

10. When I tried to open the door, the knob came  in my hand and I was stuck in the room for more than two hours.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

EL Matters - 7 July

Dear 5F,


Unit 7 CB Pg 13 - 14 (By Fri)

Some reminders:

- Bring full scap paper tomorrow and next Mon.

Phrasal verbs (Open-book) test next Wed (13 July) on Semester 1's phrasal verbs.
Remember to study and bring your book for the test.

Phrasal Verbs List 4 (Term 3) test will be in week 4. Please start studying for it.

- Spelling on Semester 1's words next Friday (15 July). If you have lost the spelling lists, please print out the lists I put up on the blog a few days ago.

See you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

Monday 4 July 2016

EL Matters - 5 July

Dear 5F,

Some of you have not finished your CW4 Draft 2 corrections.

As such, that will be your homework over the holiday. Please submit it latest by this Thursday.

Some reminders:

- Go into the blog every Fri - Sun (9 pm latest) to give your answers for SLW2 and win a free period of English games the following week.

- There will be a phrasal verbs (Open-book) test next Wed (13 July) on Semester 1's phrasal verbs.
Remember to study and bring your book for the test.

- Phrasal Verbs List 4 (Term 3) test will be in week 4. Please start studying for it.

- Term 3's spelling list is not out yet. So I will conduct spelling on Semester 1's words next Friday (15 July). If you have lost the spelling lists, please print out the lists I put up on the blog a few days ago.

Have a good Hari Raya Puasa holiday and see you this Thursday!


Mdm Tan