Tuesday 30 August 2016

EL Matters - 31 Aug

Dear 5F,

I forgot to mention in class just now (due to time constraints) that I am very proud and happy with the class for doing your best in your exams. I hope that you now understand the reason and necessity for me being strict with you. And why we have homework during this holiday as well. =p

Our goal is PSLE. Keep striving my dear 5F!

Study hard and play hard yah! =)

Sept Holiday Homework:

1) Practise LC Book Reading Passages 1 - 6 and SBC 1 - 6 (By Term 4 Week 1)
    We will commence on our 1-1 oral practice during recess and after school when Term 4 starts.
    Remember to prepare at home before I test you, otherwise we will be wasting time when we meet.

2) Write 3 Situational Writing (SW9, SW10, SW11). Refer to LRD dated 2 Aug(By 13/9 Tue)

    Pg 8-9 - SW9: Writing a Notice (Example)
    Pg 10-11 - SW10: Writing an Accident Report (Example)
    Pg 12-13 - SW11: Writing a Letter of Complaint (Teaching Tips Video and Example)

3) Study all the SW tips in the LRD (2 Aug copy). Highlight the important points. (By 13/9 Tue)

4) Study for Phrasal Verbs List 6 test (By 15/9 Thur)

Have a good break! See you on 13 Sep!


Mdm Tan


  1. Mdm Tan, the SW hw that needs to refer to the LRD is it the Writing A Notice is it need to do like the example about the monkey or just do like we always do? I am Trina.

  2. Hi Trina,

    Yes, write in the same format like the monkey example provided in the LRD. You can also follow the examples in the links that I have provided under 'Writing a Notice'.


    Mdm Tan
