Friday 12 August 2016

EL Matters - 12 Aug (The story of the 3 Rocks)

Dear 5F,

It is sad that we have to waste so much time to collect homework and late work during precious lesson time.
And it is also sad that pupils are still not checking their work and leaving blanks and submitting such poorly done work.
Also, corrections are still wrong and some are not even done at all even after many reminders.

I shared with you the analogy of the square rock and round rock a few weeks back.

Many of you are still behaving like a square rock with regards to the way you do your homework and your attitude towards your studies. It is tiring to push you around. You are immovable; stuck to the ground. Very fixed in your mindset. Don't you know that you are causing yourself to stay where you are - and not improve?

Some of you are behaving like round rocks and are starting to be more serious with your homework and attitude in class. That's great. We can move along together - towards doing better.

A few of you are no longer rocks. You can walk by yourself. I do not need to push you as you are self-motivated and understand that your future lies in your hands. You know what you want. And you know what it takes to achieve your goals. I'm proud of you. You can walk with me towards a bright future ahead.

What kind of rock are you? What kind of rock do you wish to be?
Do spend some time this weekend to think about it. Share with your parents your thoughts about this.

Homework (All due by Mon):

- Do Unit 9 LS corrections.

- Check Unit 9 CB Pg 1 - 4, 8 and 16 homework answers. Ensure there are no blanks.

- Do Unit 9 CB Pg 11 - 15

- Unit 8 Spelling has been postponed to next Mon.

See you!


Mdm Tan

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