Sunday 14 August 2016

EL Matters - 15 Aug

Dear 5F,

We have filed your EL Stellar Worksheet file today. And you have brought it home for revision and parent's signature. All that is left to file in are: Unit 8 Spelling worksheet (after exam), Unit 9 LS (tmr), Unit 9 CB (tmr), Unit 9 LRD on SW notes (after exam), CA2 Practice Booklets A and B and CA2 Exam Paper.

Dear parents, please look through your child's worksheets and help your child with his/her weak areas. Do encourage them to revise certain topics before doing more practice. E.g. reported speech, passive and active voice, synthesis and transformation, tenses, subject-verb agreement.
As they revise their worksheets, they should also take note of the difficult words inside and how to use them.

We will have to complete the 3 remaining topics inside your Unit 9 CB as well as Unit 8 Spelling after the exam.

- Complete CA2 Practice Paper Booklet A (By tmr)
  You may refer to the dictionary or notes as you do your work. Please do it properly as part of your CA2 revision.

You will complete Practice Paper Booklet B under timed exam conditions tomorrow in class.
You must be able to finish the paper as well as check through your work once within the 1 hour given. Please come prepared to do your best.

See you!


Mdm Tan


  1. Mdm Tan ,I still cannot find the SW8.Its gone.MUST do tommorow rewrite is it? Must bring fulscap paper? I study for the English Paper Test(Practice) already. My p4 and P5 term 1 to 3.

  2. May I know who you are please?
    I will speak with you separately in class today.
