Monday 12 September 2016

EL Matters - 13 Sep

Dear 5F,

Welcome back to school! We are now into Term 4 - the term to work really hard before a good year end break.

I look forward to meeting each of you for the Term 4 Oral practice. Once we have confirmed the schedule, I will put it up on the class blog so that your parents can refer to it.

Parents, please kindly allow your child to meet me for about 20 min (either during recess or after school) once this term to prepare him/ her for the upcoming SA2 oral exam. Do refer to the schedule to take note of the date. No consent form will be issued (similar to Term 2). Do remind your child to revise Reading Passages and SBC 4 -  8 before the practice session in order for the session to be more meaningful for your child. Thank you for your help. =)

For Term 4, not only will we be completing our series of Phrasal Verbs tests with Test 6 this coming Thursday (15 Sep), we will embark on different types of synthesis and transformation questions (the weakest Booklet B topic for most pupils). Please do likewise and revise for every class test. This will help you in your final revision for SA2 - so start now with the bite-sized tests!

- Study for Phrasal verbs test 6 (15/9 Thursday)
- Practise Reading Passages and SBC 4 - 8 (before your oral session with me)
  * Remember to bring your LC book for the session.
- Some pupils have not returned their compo file (along with SW 8 and CW 5) and EL worksheet files (with exam papers filed in) (Latest by 14/9 Wed)

- Write SW 9 Draft 2 (By Wed)

I will see you tmr!


Mdm Tan


  1. Mdm Tan,I will only be back in school on Thursday. The Sw9 I never get. Friday no school. How to give you Back all the Hw? Now, i got HFM desease.


  2. Hi Amir,

    SW9,SW10 and SW11 were supposed to be your holiday homework. So it should be with you. Don't worry. Just recover completely.You can hand-in your homework when you come back.

    This Thursday is Phrasal Verbs List 6 test. I hope you brought home your vocab bk before the holidays to revise.

