Tuesday 13 September 2016

EL Matters - 14 Sept

Dear 5F,


- Study for Phrasal Verbs test 6 (tmr)

- Read Unit 10 text. Find out the meanings of the words that you do not know. (By next Mon)

- Do Unit 10 CB Pg 1 - 7 (By next Mon)

- Do Unit 10 Spelling Meanings Wkst (By next Mon)

- Write SW 10 Draft 2. Staple draft 2 on top of draft 1. (By next Mon)

- Practise for oral session (Reading and SBC 4 - 8)

See you next Mon!


Mdm Tan


  1. Mdm Tan, sorry. Today I just went to the doctor. Doctor said I MC until next monday. Anyway, I study the phrasal verb list 6 already. I know I have a lot to catch up on Monday . Hope to go back to school
