Tuesday 27 September 2016

The Vietnam War

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Questions to think about:

- Could the war have been avoided?

- Could the war have been shorter?

- Could the USA have used another means to helping South Vietnam against the communist invasion from the North?

- What can USA do now to help people who are still suffering from the effects of the Vietnam War?

- If you had lived through the Vietnam War and are one of those affected by the after-effects of the war (illness/ loss of family/ poor), how would you choose to live your life/ the rest of your life?


  1. 1.I think it could be avoided by making their countries friends again and not to fight again. Vietnam and the US may be of different races, but that does not mean that they have to fight with each other just because of that. I feel really sorry for the innocent people who died.
    2.It could have been shorter as 19 years was really to long and so many innocent people had died even though they were not involved in the war and they have to suffer the pain for 19 years! How long is that! If I were there I would have just lived underground.
    3.The US could just not fight during the war so they will not affect the South Vietnam againts communist invasion of the North.
    4.They could pay for the fees of the hospital fees of the one who are still suffering from the effects of the Vietnam War, espacially the innocent ones. (Feel to sad and sorry)
    5.If I were the one who is affected in the Vietnam War and been affected by the after effects of the war, I would just kill myself as I had no one to live with me anymore as my heart was broken as most of my beloved family members had died. (Too sad)
    By Amir (Still very sad)

  2. Such deep and thought provoking comments, Amir.

    I'm glad you are thinking deeply about something that we can definitely learn from.

    I certainly hope that there will be no more wars and violence because at the end of the day, it is the innocent that suffer the most.

    We should also understand how lucky we are to be living in Singapore and to be protected from many problems that plague other countries. E.g. natural disasters, corrupt government, extreme poverty, high employment rate etc...

    That is not to say that we do not have any problems to overcome. But knowing that it could be much worse, we should learn how to be content with what we have been given and blessed with. And to look for opportunities to help those around us.

    Have a good weekend, 5F.


    Mdm Tan
