Thursday 31 March 2016

EL Matters - 1 April

Dear 5F,

We have reached the end of Term 2 Week 2.

We are now moving much faster in our work - more work done in class and more homework given out.

Also, you have more mini-tests coming up.

I need each of you to be diligent in revising for each test and in doing your homework properly and handing them up on time. We need to work together as a class so that we will do well as a class.

1) Unit 4 Companion Booklet Pg 1 - 7 and 13 - 16. (By Mon)

2) Revise for Unit 4 spelling on Mon.

3) Revise for Reported Speech test 3 (sometime next week)

4) Revise for Phrasal Verbs List 1 test (In week 4)

5) Continue to practise for your Oral Reading Passages 1-3 and plan for your SBC 1-3.
    Be ready for your oral practice session with me, please.

Have a good weekend and I will see you next Monday,


Mdm Tan

Tuesday 29 March 2016

EL Matters - 30 Mar

Dear 5F,

I have given out reported speech test 2. As a class, you have done better than test 1.
However, we still have 30 failures, with some pupils still scoring 0, 1 ,2 and 3 marks.
That is really unacceptable since we have been revising this constantly for 2 weeks now.

Please study harder for your last reported speech test next week. It will be slightly more difficult.


1) Unit 4 Companion Booklet Pg 8 - 9 (By Fri)
2) Reported Speech Test 2 corrections and parent's signature (By Fri)
3) Study for reported speech test 3 (next week)
4) Study for Unit 4 Spelling (next Mon)
5) Study for Phrasal Verbs Test 1 (In Week 4) - refer to the notes inside your vocab book.

Have a good learning journey tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

Monday 28 March 2016

EL Matters - 29 Mar

Dear 5F,

I have marked the reported speech closed-book test 2.

You will receive your test paper tomorrow. Have you done your utmost best? I hope you have. =)

Some matters to note:

1) Homework: Unit 4 LS 4.4 - 4.5 (By tomorrow)

2) Some pupils have yet to hand-in their Unit 4 text, reported speech open-book test corrections (7 pupils), EL worksheet files and Compo 2 (8 pupils). Please hand-in those items by tomorrow.

3) Remember to revise for your spelling and oral.

See all of you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

Sunday 27 March 2016

EL Matters - 28 Mar

Dear 5F,

1) Continuous Writing 2 (By Tue 29 Mar)
- give yourself about 30 min to finish your composition at home
- check your compo for language and content using the checklist on Pg 2.

2) Study for the closed-book Reported Speech test this week

3) Study for Unit 4 spelling next Mon (4/4)

4) Bring LC book tomorrow

Have a good Monday!


Mdm Tan

Wednesday 23 March 2016

EL Matters - 24 Mar

Dear 5F,

Homework for today:

1) Do Unit 4 LS Pg 1-3 (By Mon)
2) Read Unit 4 Text and bring it by Tuesday
3) Study for Unit 4 Spelling on Mon (4/4)
4) Bring full scap paper next Mon.
5) Revise for your Oral practice session with me.

Some pupils have not handed-in their Unit 4 Spelling meanings homework, Reported speech test corrections and EL worksheet files. The latest to hand-in these items is Mon (28/3).

Have a good weekend.

Work hard and then play hard.


Mdm Tan

Tuesday 22 March 2016

EL Matters - 23 March

Dear 5F,

Homework for today:

1) Do the Reported Speech test corrections by referring carefully to your notes. (Date due: Thursday) This is a good chance to read your notes properly and to revise for the next 'spring' test.

2) Complete your Unit 4 Spelling list meanings homework by tomorrow. Start revising for Unit 4 Spelling which will be Monday (4 April)

3) Read Unit 4 text and look out for new words and their meanings. Jot them down inside your vocab book. See how the spelling words are used in the text to understand the words better. (By next Tuesday). Bring Unit 4 text next Tuesday.

4) Start practising Reading passages 1-3 and SBC 1-3 inside your LC book according to the rubrics shared in class today. Be ready for your practice session with me.

Love learning! Have fun!


Mdm Tan

Monday 21 March 2016

EL Matters - 22 March

Dear 5F,

Homework for today: Read LRD and bring it tomorrow.

                                   Finish the Unit 4 spelling list homework by Thursday.

Refer to the oral schedule in the previous post and let me know if you cannot make it for the appointed date and time.

Bring your LC book everyday.


Mdm Tan

Oral Practice Schedule with Mdm Tan

Dear 5F,

Please refer to the schedule below for your oral practice session with me.

If your slot is during recess, please bring food for that day so that you can eat in class,

If your slot is after school, please inform your parents and remind them closer to the date that you'll be staying back for about 20 min with me.

If you are unable to make it for your session, please inform me a few days in advance so that you can swop days with another classmate.

Lastly, remember to practise the Reading passages 1, 2 and 3 and Stimulus-based conversations 1, 2 and 3 BEFORE meeting me for the practice session

For the reading passages, learn how to pronounce all the words and know their meanings. For the SBC, plan and prepare what you want to say using the pictures and question prompts given.

Oral Practice Schedule for Term 2:

Date Day Time Index
24-Mar Thursday Recess

After School
28-Mar Monday Recess 5 WAI HIN
After School 7 PEARLYN
29-Mar Tuesday Recess NO SESSION
After School
30-Mar Wednesday Recess 11 HAIYYE
After School 13 YIK KAN
31-Mar Thursday After School
01-Apr Friday Recess 17 AUSTIN
After School 9 ETIENNE
04-Apr Monday Recess 21 AUFA
After School

05-Apr Tuesday Recess NO SESSION
After School 25 NEO
06-Apr Wednesday Recess 27 SHAO WEI
After School 28 SHER
07-Apr Thursday Recess
After School 31
08-Apr Friday Recess 35 PUTERA
After School 37 SAMUEL
11-Apr Monday Recess 39 TRINA
After School 3 NICHOLAS
12-Apr Tuesday Recess NO SESSION
After School 4 MABEL
13-Apr Wednesday Recess 16 YUN YI
After School 33 SI EN
14-Apr Thursday Recess 10 GLADYS
After School NO SESSION

English PSLE Exam Format and tentative EL SA1 Exam Dates

Dear 5F,

Today I shared with you the different components of the EL exam.

Paper 1 (1 h 10 min): Situational Writing (SW) - 15 marks
                                   Continuous Writing (CW) - 40 marks

Paper 2 (1 h 50 min): Booklet A - 28 marks
                                   Booklet B - 67 marks

Paper 3 (About 30 min): Listening Comprehension - 20 marks

Paper 4 (About 10 min): Reading Aloud - 10 marks
                                         Stimulus-Based Conversation (SBC) - 20 marks

Total = 200 marks

The tentative dates for the SA1 exam is as follows:

Oral - Week 6 (25 April, Monday)
Paper 1 and LC - Week 7 (3 May, Tuesday)
Paper 2 - Week 8 (9 May, Monday)


Mdm Tan

Sunday 20 March 2016

EL Matters - 21 March

Dear 5F,

Welcome back to school!

Hope you are all ready and excited for Term 2 to start.

Today, we had an open book test on reported speech. Have you done your best?
Will you be able to pass/ do well? You will know your results soon enough.

Remember, every mini test is a chance for you to revise for the main exam.
So please put in more effort to study for each test.

Homework: Find the meanings of the Unit 4 spelling words (By this Thursday)

See you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

Thursday 10 March 2016

EL Matters - 11 March

Dear 5F,

We have come to the last day of school for Term 1.

I thank you for your feedback given in class just now.

I look forward to making our lessons more interesting and helpful based on your feedback.

Some matters to take note of:

- Please ask your parents to sign tests 2 and 3 (for those of you who have not)
- Please bring all Term 1 worksheets and files next Term Monday (if you have not done so)
- Please read at least 1 novel/ book (not a comic book) during this holiday. You can use the handout
  compiled for you to choose your books from the library.
- There will be a test on Direct/ Indirect Speech when school reopens. Please use the notes given out in class to revise. You may also practise using the following websites:
         - Notes
         - Practice 1
         - Practice 2
         - Practice 3

Do rest well and see you next Term.


Mdm Tan

Wednesday 9 March 2016

EL Matters - 10 March

Dear 5F,

Some matters to take note of:

- Homework: Read the passage and questions in Test 3 to understand it better.

- Bring Test 2 and 3 tomorrow.

- File in your practice papers and Test 1. Bring your EL Worksheet file tomorrow.

- Bring full scap paper tomorrow.

- Bring LRD and your vocabulary book tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.


Mdm Tan

Overview of our class performance for Term 1

Dear 5F,

I have given out Test 3 today.

We took a look at our marks as a class and I have shown you where each of you stand with regards to this term's test.

I have guided you on how to set your English target for SA1 and you have jotted your target inside your handbook.

Remember our talk on how to improve on your results. It lies in your attitude in coming to school, during lesson time, as you do your homework, as you handle the distractions and problems in your class/ life. The kind of attitude you have in these areas will determine how well you do in your studies.

Ultimately, results are only one way to view success. My aim for this class is to view success by having a good attitude in how you approach any task given to you. Do each task well; to the best of your ability. Be a person that is reliable, responsible and determined. Know what you want to achieve and work hard towards your goal.

All of you have the capability to do well. I believe in each of you.

You deserve a good break. Rest well and be ready for Term 2.


Mdm Tan

Monday 7 March 2016

EL Matters - 8 March

Dear 5F,

We have finished our last test today.

I will give out test 2 and 3 tomorrow. So you will know your total mark (50 marks) then.

I hope you have done your best for all the tests (including all the other subjects). Please pay close attention in class as I go through your mistakes so that you will learn from them and do better for the next test.

Homework for today is: 
1) Companion Booklet Pg 13 corrections and Pg 14 (Due on 9/3 Wed)
2) Read LRD and prepare for the LRD Challenge on Thursday.

Please bring the following by this week:
1) EL Worksheet files (file in Unit 3 Text - Basic Photography, Practice Papers and Tests) - place them inside the metal cupboard by Friday latest.
2) LRD newspaper - On Thursday
3) Full scap paper - On Friday

See you all tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

Thursday 3 March 2016

EL Matters - 4 March

Dear 5F,

You have finished Test 2 today. I hope that you have done your very best and feel good about it.

To prepare you for Test 3, I have assigned you some homework. Do your homework properly (refer to the dictionary when needed) and bring it next Mon so that I can mark and go through before Test 3 on 8 March Tuesday.

Some matters to note:
- Homework: Unit 3 Companion Book Pg 5 - 7, 12 - 13 and 16 (By Mon)

- Bring full scap next Mon

- Ask parents to sign ALL test papers. 

- File in the Practice Paper Booklet A, B and all tests (after signing and completing corrections).
  I will be collecting your EL Worksheet files next Tues after Test 3.

- 8 Mar Tues: Test 3 - Open ended comprehension (10 marks)

Next week is the last week of school for Term 1. We still have a number of things to finish before the March holidays. Please keep yourself healthy by drinking enough water and sleeping early. Come to school everyday. Be ready for school.

You can look forward to a well-deserved break during the holidays. Come back to school recharged and ready to work hard again for Term 2.

Take care.


Mdm Tan