Tuesday 30 August 2016

EL Matters - 31 Aug

Dear 5F,

I forgot to mention in class just now (due to time constraints) that I am very proud and happy with the class for doing your best in your exams. I hope that you now understand the reason and necessity for me being strict with you. And why we have homework during this holiday as well. =p

Our goal is PSLE. Keep striving my dear 5F!

Study hard and play hard yah! =)

Sept Holiday Homework:

1) Practise LC Book Reading Passages 1 - 6 and SBC 1 - 6 (By Term 4 Week 1)
    We will commence on our 1-1 oral practice during recess and after school when Term 4 starts.
    Remember to prepare at home before I test you, otherwise we will be wasting time when we meet.

2) Write 3 Situational Writing (SW9, SW10, SW11). Refer to LRD dated 2 Aug(By 13/9 Tue)

    Pg 8-9 - SW9: Writing a Notice (Example)
    Pg 10-11 - SW10: Writing an Accident Report (Example)
    Pg 12-13 - SW11: Writing a Letter of Complaint (Teaching Tips Video and Example)

3) Study all the SW tips in the LRD (2 Aug copy). Highlight the important points. (By 13/9 Tue)

4) Study for Phrasal Verbs List 6 test (By 15/9 Thur)

Have a good break! See you on 13 Sep!


Mdm Tan

Monday 29 August 2016

EL Matters - 30 Aug

Dear 5F,

We went into the computer lab to type out our chosen compo today.

If you have not given it to me, please email it to me by Wed latest.

Tomorrow, I will show you your class results for English as well as give out your homework for this Sept holiday.

Should you be absent tomorrow, please find out about the holiday homework via the class blog or when you return to school this Thursday. Please read the board/ ask your classmate for the homework update as I will not see you this Thursday because of the children's day celebration.


Mdm Tan

Sunday 28 August 2016

EL Matters - 29 Aug

Dear 5F,

Homework/ Reminders:

-  Ask parents to look through and sign your exam paper (By Wed latest)
    I hope all of your corrections have been properly done.

 - Some pupils have not submitted Unit 9 CB and Unit 8 Spelling corrections.
   Tmr is the latest to do so.

- Some pupils have not submitted your EL Worksheet file to the cupboard. Please do so asap!

- Homework: SW 8 and CW 5 corrections (By tmr)

  **You must bring your compo for typing out your chosen compo tmr.

- Bring a thumb drive if you have.

I will see you tmr!


Mdm Tan

Thursday 25 August 2016

EL Matters - 26 Aug

Dear 5F,

You will only be able to bring home your exam papers next Mon.

Do inform your parents of your marks which you should already know.

Homework/ Reminders:

- Hand-in your EL worksheet file (By next Mon latest)
- Do Unit 9 CB corrections (By Mon)
- Do Unit 8 Spelling corrections and ask parents to sign (By Mon)
- Bring full scap paper next Mon for compo corrections

See you next week!


Mdm Tan

Tuesday 23 August 2016

EL Matters - 24 Aug

Dear 5F,

You are coming to the end of the CA2 exams.

I hope that after all your papers, you will feel good about yourself and will have felt that you have done your best.

Do make sure that you end the term on a good note by submitting all pending work/ files before your Sept holiday.


- Unit 8 Spelling (Tomorrow)
- File in all EL worksheets. Hand-in your EL Worksheet file to the metal cupboard. (By next Mon)
- Bring full scap paper next Mon for SW and CW corrections.
- Bring a thumb drive (if you have) next Tue (for typing out your compo for ECAW)
- 11 pupils have yet to hand-in Unit 9 CB (By tomorrow latest)

See you tomorrow!


Mdm Tn

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Monday 15 August 2016

EL Matters - 16 Aug

Dear 5F,


Spend some time practising the paper 2 questions inside LRD (week 7).
Do it properly in order to benefit from it. Check the dictionary.
Mark your own work. (By next Mon)

All the best!


Mdm Tan

Sunday 14 August 2016

EL Matters - 15 Aug

Dear 5F,

We have filed your EL Stellar Worksheet file today. And you have brought it home for revision and parent's signature. All that is left to file in are: Unit 8 Spelling worksheet (after exam), Unit 9 LS (tmr), Unit 9 CB (tmr), Unit 9 LRD on SW notes (after exam), CA2 Practice Booklets A and B and CA2 Exam Paper.

Dear parents, please look through your child's worksheets and help your child with his/her weak areas. Do encourage them to revise certain topics before doing more practice. E.g. reported speech, passive and active voice, synthesis and transformation, tenses, subject-verb agreement.
As they revise their worksheets, they should also take note of the difficult words inside and how to use them.

We will have to complete the 3 remaining topics inside your Unit 9 CB as well as Unit 8 Spelling after the exam.

- Complete CA2 Practice Paper Booklet A (By tmr)
  You may refer to the dictionary or notes as you do your work. Please do it properly as part of your CA2 revision.

You will complete Practice Paper Booklet B under timed exam conditions tomorrow in class.
You must be able to finish the paper as well as check through your work once within the 1 hour given. Please come prepared to do your best.

See you!


Mdm Tan

Friday 12 August 2016

EL Matters - 12 Aug (The story of the 3 Rocks)

Dear 5F,

It is sad that we have to waste so much time to collect homework and late work during precious lesson time.
And it is also sad that pupils are still not checking their work and leaving blanks and submitting such poorly done work.
Also, corrections are still wrong and some are not even done at all even after many reminders.

I shared with you the analogy of the square rock and round rock a few weeks back.

Many of you are still behaving like a square rock with regards to the way you do your homework and your attitude towards your studies. It is tiring to push you around. You are immovable; stuck to the ground. Very fixed in your mindset. Don't you know that you are causing yourself to stay where you are - and not improve?

Some of you are behaving like round rocks and are starting to be more serious with your homework and attitude in class. That's great. We can move along together - towards doing better.

A few of you are no longer rocks. You can walk by yourself. I do not need to push you as you are self-motivated and understand that your future lies in your hands. You know what you want. And you know what it takes to achieve your goals. I'm proud of you. You can walk with me towards a bright future ahead.

What kind of rock are you? What kind of rock do you wish to be?
Do spend some time this weekend to think about it. Share with your parents your thoughts about this.

Homework (All due by Mon):

- Do Unit 9 LS corrections.

- Check Unit 9 CB Pg 1 - 4, 8 and 16 homework answers. Ensure there are no blanks.

- Do Unit 9 CB Pg 11 - 15

- Unit 8 Spelling has been postponed to next Mon.

See you!


Mdm Tan

Wednesday 10 August 2016

EL Matters - 11 Aug

Dear 5F,

Welcome back!

We are coming to the end of Week 7.
Next week, you will have lessons from Mon - Wed only because of PSLE Oral next Thurs and Fri.

CA2 exams begin in Week 9 Monday with English Paper 2.

I hope you have started your revision. Remember, consistency is the key to success.

Pupils who have not handed-in your holiday homework today, please do so by tomorrow latest so that I can mark your work and return you your EL files next Mon.

- Unit 8 Spelling (tomorrow)

- Unit 9 CB Pg 1- 4, 8 and 16 (By tomorrow)

See you and work hard!


Mdm Tan

Wednesday 3 August 2016

EL Remedial Links - 4 Aug

Tenses Revision 1

Tenses Revision 2

Tenses Revision 3

Tenses Revision 4

Who vs Whom vs Whose video

Who - About the subject in a sentence
           E.g. He, She , They

Whom - About the object in a sentence
          E.g. Him, Her, Them

Whose - Shows possession
         E.g. His, Hers, Theirs

WWW Practice 1

WWWW Practice 2

Tuesday 2 August 2016

EL Matters - 3 Aug to 10 Aug and Group Compositions

Dear 5F,

As mentioned in class today, I will not have lessons with you tomorrow because you'll be having the health check up during my lesson. And you'll be having your Science practical test during EL periods as well this Friday.

So today's post will be for the next few days until we have proper lessons again next Thursday (11 Aug).

- Do Phrasal Verbs Test 5 at home (you can refer to your vocab book) (By tomorrow)
- Learn Unit 8 Spelling (next Fri 12/8)
- Do SW 8 Corrections (By 11/8) - you will get it back tomorrow
- Do Individual Composition CW 6 - A Happy Occasion (By 11/8)
- Complete Unit 9 LS (By 11/8) - refer to your vocab bk notes or other notes when required

Do remember to vote for your favourite 2 group compos by this Friday.
You can read the group compos attached below. I understand that you have less time to write the compo this time. Nevertheless, thank you for trying your best.

Please plan your time well over the next few days so that you will not only complete all of your homework, you can also have time to revise for CA2 which begins on 22/8, Mon.

I will return all EL files for signing and revision on 15/8, Mon. Do start your revision early so that you can be better prepared.

See you soon and have a Happy National Day holiday!


Mdm Tan

Group Compositions on A Happy Occasion (Done in class on 3/8):

Jenna and Esther
 Page 1
Page 2

Nicholas, Jia Yie and Austin

Trina, Elizabeth Loo and Jia Qi

Sher, Si En, Shermain and Elizabeth Grace

Gladys, Yun Yi, Aniqah and Kai Lin

Shawn, Putera and Yi Kan

Pearlyn, Mabel, Nicole and Alyssa

Aufa, Daiyan, Ryan and Taufiq

Etienne, Reynard, Jonas and Neo

Monday 1 August 2016

EL Matters - 2 Aug and Reading Survey Link

Dear 5F,

Please complete the Reading Survey using this link by this Friday.

We revised tenses using the following websites today:

Tenses 4
Tenses 5

- Revise for Phrasal Verbs 5 Test (tomorrow)
- Do Unit 7 Spelling Corrections and ask parents to sign (By tomorrow)
- Read Unit 9 Text - Amazing Friends (By tomorrow)

- Bring LC Book tomorrow.
- Study LRD on good Compo Words (Write down the good words and phrases that you will use in your compo writing inside your vocab book) [Complete by end of Term 3]

See you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

SLW2 Round 5 Answers

1. (A) The food was meant for she and I.
    (B) The food was meant for she and me. [correct]

2. (A) I and he do not understand the question. [correct]
    (B) Me and he do not understand the question.

3. (A) Shall you and me go there now?
    (B) Shall you and I go there now? [correct]

4. (A) My friend and me loved the movie.
    (B) My friend and I loved the movie. [correct]

5. (A) It was a great day for both my uncle and I.
    (B) It was a great day for both my uncle and me. [correct]

6. (A) Do you know who is going with my sister and I?
    (B) Do you know who is going with my sister and me? [correct]

7. (A) I think me and she will go with you.
    (B) I think I and she will go with you. [correct]

8. (A) If you and me are going, who is going with them?
    (B) If you and I are going, who is going with them? [correct]

9. (A) Derrick and I will go with them tomorrow. [correct]
    (B) Derrick and me will go with them tomorrow.

10. (A) Or shall it be Celeste and me? [correct]
      (B) Or shall it be Celeste and I?