Thursday 26 May 2016

EL Matters - 26 May

Dear 5F,

We have come to the end of Term 2.

I have not given any homework so that you can enjoy your holiday.

But I would like each of you to read at least 3- 4 story books (1 book per week; of at least 200 pages each) and to speak proper English as much as you can during the holidays.

We will begin anew in Term 3. So please rest well now and then prepare for Term 3 a few days before the holiday ends by packing your school bag early and checking the class blog for updates.

For those who HAVE NOT handed-in Compo 4, your compo file (with corrections done) and Unit 6 Spelling Worksheet (corrections and parent signature), please hand it in first thing Monday in Term 3.

I wish you all a good holiday.


Mdm Tan


  1. Hi,
    This is Samuel here. Can someone please provide me with the details for the holiday science project given out by Mr Aidil? Thanks

  2. Hi Samuel,

    You should contact Mr Aidil via the Class Dojo if you want a more direct and quick response to your question.

    Mdm Tan
