Thursday 23 June 2016

EL Matters - 24 June

Dear 5F,

We are about to start on Term 3 soon.

I hope everyone of you has enjoyed your break and are getting yourself ready for the start of school.

Do take note that the school is undergoing renovation works now. So don't be too surprised to see construction equipment around the school and areas that have been cordoned off. Always walk around with your eyes opened and stay clear of areas that are cordoned off for your own safety.

I am looking forward to seeing you again.

I hope you are also looking forward to seeing your classmates and teachers again and getting back to the routine of lessons and learning.

Some administrative matters to note:

For those who HAVE NOT handed-in Compo 4, your compo file (with corrections done) and Unit 6 Spelling Worksheet (corrections and parent signature), please hand it in first thing Monday in Term 3.

Pack your school bag early and sleep early on Sunday night. Be ready for school so that you are ready to do your best.

See you next Monday, 27 June.


Mdm Tan

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