Thursday 19 May 2016

EL Matters - 20 May

Dear 5F,

We learnt about planning our compo using a Story Arc: (1) Short Intro, (2) Climax, (3) Conclusion.

We watch 4 short movie clips and identified the 3 components in each clip.

Here are the links to each movie. Enjoy...


Partly Cloudy

Day and Night

I hope that you have enough ideas to plan an interesting compo.

Remember to focus on the Climax and link it up with the Intro and Conclusion so that your story is complete and there are no parts missing.

We will write your compo in class next week.


- Some pupils have yet to hand-in their Unit 6 CB homework which was due today.
  Please hand-in latest next Tue.

- Bring a thumb drive or have an email account ready for next Tue.

Have a good long weekend and I'll see you next week!


Mdm Tan

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