Tuesday 4 October 2016

EL Matters - 5 Oct

Dear 5F,

Happy Children's Day to all of you!

Here's a simple poem for you to enjoy:

When the sun rises in the morning, 
I open my eyes to see
The time on my clock is showing
That I'm late for school
Oh blimey me!

I zip out of bed in a daze
And trip and land on my face
Now I'm definitely awake
From the knock on my head
I limp and clamber hastily

I decided not to brush my teeth
To save myself a few minutes.
A quick pee and a splash
I'm off like The Flash
To change and run away like the wind

When I finally reached the school gate
Something was amiss
The school was a deadly silence
My heart grew anxious
I stared at the guard who gave me a grin, and said...

Boy/ Girl, it's Friday
Happy Children's Day
Go home to play
I didn't dare say
How embarrassed I was
And ran off with my face all red that day


 - Do SW 12 corrections (By next Mon)

- Do Synthesis and Transformation Revision Wkst Page 1 - 4 (By next Mon)

- Bring full scap paper next Mon

See you next Monday!


Mdm Tan