Thursday 13 October 2016

EL Matters - 14 Oct

Dear 5F,

I have returned both your composition and worksheet files to you today.

Please ask your parents to look through your work and to sign on the content pages.

Ensure that you complete your corrections (if there are still any pending corrections).

Revise the important notes inside your CB and worksheets.

Revise the difficult questions which you have encountered.

Look at the mistakes which you made in both files and learn from them.

Return date of Compo file: 24 Oct, Mon, after EL P1 exam. 
Return date of Worksheet file: 28 Oct, Fri, after EL P2 exam.

Place your files inside the class metal cupboard neatly on your own.

Homework (Due 21 Oct, Friday):

- Complete any pending corrections in both files.

- Read the notes and do the practices in the blog - Overview of Synthesis and Transformation

- Complete Synthesis and Trans. wkst (Pg 7 - 10)

- Complete the practice paper (Booklet A and B).
  * Refer to your notes/ dictionary while doing as part of your revision.

Plan your time well for your revision. Work hard now; enjoy later.

I will see you next Friday!


Mdm Tan

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