Wednesday 26 October 2016

EL Matters - 27 Oct

Dear 5F,

No EL homework today.

Please bring both your compo and EL worksheet files and place them inside the class metal cupboard if you have not done so.

Make sure you have filed in ALL your worksheets before placing them inside the cupboard.

Bring full scap paper tomorrow.

You will be re-writing CW8 in class tomorrow.

See you!


Mdm Tan

Tuesday 25 October 2016

EL Matters - 26 Oct

Dear 5F,

I have gone through the answers to the practice paper.

Many of you did not put in the required effort to do this piece of work well.

I have spoken to the class about having the right attitude when doing homework.
I hope to see an improvement.

Parents, please look through your child's work and sign the practice paper.
Do speak with your child if he/ she needs to put in more effort in their homework.
Thank you.


Mdm Tan

Monday 24 October 2016

EL Matters - 25 Oct

Dear 5F,

There is no EL homework today.

Continue to revise for your SA2 exams every day.

We will be going through booklet B answers tomorrow.

Please take care and do not fall sick now.


Mdm Tan

Sunday 23 October 2016

EL Matters - 24 Oct

Dear 5F,


- Do Practice Paper Booklet A corrections. Use the dictionary. Bring tmr.

- Hand-in compo files by tmr latest to the class cupboard

- Some pupils have not handed-in SW 13 corrections (By tmr latest)

- Keep revising for SA2


Mdm Tan

Thursday 20 October 2016

EL Matters - 21 Oct

Dear 5F,


- Do SW 13 corrections (By next Mon)
* Do not lose the question paper

- Hand-in compo file next Mon

- Revise for SA2


Mdm Tan

Thursday 13 October 2016

EL Matters - 14 Oct

Dear 5F,

I have returned both your composition and worksheet files to you today.

Please ask your parents to look through your work and to sign on the content pages.

Ensure that you complete your corrections (if there are still any pending corrections).

Revise the important notes inside your CB and worksheets.

Revise the difficult questions which you have encountered.

Look at the mistakes which you made in both files and learn from them.

Return date of Compo file: 24 Oct, Mon, after EL P1 exam. 
Return date of Worksheet file: 28 Oct, Fri, after EL P2 exam.

Place your files inside the class metal cupboard neatly on your own.

Homework (Due 21 Oct, Friday):

- Complete any pending corrections in both files.

- Read the notes and do the practices in the blog - Overview of Synthesis and Transformation

- Complete Synthesis and Trans. wkst (Pg 7 - 10)

- Complete the practice paper (Booklet A and B).
  * Refer to your notes/ dictionary while doing as part of your revision.

Plan your time well for your revision. Work hard now; enjoy later.

I will see you next Friday!


Mdm Tan

Tuesday 11 October 2016

EL Matters - 12 Oct

Dear 5F,


- Read the notes and do the quizzes on the blog for Reported Speech

- Do Synthesis Wkst Pg 5 - 6 (By Thur)

- Bring LC book tmr

There is EL remedial this week (only for pupils in Term 4 remedial).

It is the last lesson for the term. Please do and bring your homework worksheet.

Thank you.


Mdm Tan

Who vs Whom and Reported Speech Revision

Who vs Whom

Quick revision on 'who' and 'whom'


Quiz 1

Quiz 2

Quiz 3

Reported Speech


Reporting WH- questions

Reporting Yes/ No questions

Quiz 1

Quiz 2

Quiz 3

Monday 10 October 2016

Sunday 9 October 2016

EL Matters - 10 Oct

Dear 5F,

It is finally Term 4 Week 5 - the last full week of school before SA2 begins.

Thanks to all who have read the notes for Synthesis and Transformation.

I hope you have found them useful.

Tomorrow is your SA2 EL oral exam. It will be held after school.

Do remember the pointers that I've given to each of you.
Practise the reading passages and SBC using those pointers and the model answers provided for you.


- Do CW 4 and CW 6 corrections (By Tue)

- Plan and write CW 7. (By Tue)

Take 10 minutes to plan (choose between the Questions planning or the Story Arc planning).

Take 40 min to write the narrative. Add in more thoughts and feelings to the main character to make the character come alive for the reader.

Remember: A good story is one that invokes the emotions of the reader.

Do your best!


Mdm Tan

Tuesday 4 October 2016

EL Matters - 5 Oct

Dear 5F,

Happy Children's Day to all of you!

Here's a simple poem for you to enjoy:

When the sun rises in the morning, 
I open my eyes to see
The time on my clock is showing
That I'm late for school
Oh blimey me!

I zip out of bed in a daze
And trip and land on my face
Now I'm definitely awake
From the knock on my head
I limp and clamber hastily

I decided not to brush my teeth
To save myself a few minutes.
A quick pee and a splash
I'm off like The Flash
To change and run away like the wind

When I finally reached the school gate
Something was amiss
The school was a deadly silence
My heart grew anxious
I stared at the guard who gave me a grin, and said...

Boy/ Girl, it's Friday
Happy Children's Day
Go home to play
I didn't dare say
How embarrassed I was
And ran off with my face all red that day


 - Do SW 12 corrections (By next Mon)

- Do Synthesis and Transformation Revision Wkst Page 1 - 4 (By next Mon)

- Bring full scap paper next Mon

See you next Monday!


Mdm Tan

Sunday 2 October 2016

Tenses Revision

Tenses Game

Revision 1

Revision 2

EL Matters - 3 Oct

Dear 5F,

This is week 4 of Term 4. you have 2 more weeks of school before PSLE marking week.

This would mean that we will be revising for SA2 starting from this week.

For the next 2 weeks, I will be giving you a series of spring tests, like the SW12 we did in class today. Come prepared to do your best by sleeping early every night. Revise all your work, especially the topics covered in class for that day.

Parents, I will need your help to monitor ALL of your child's class test results.
The class tests are meant to show if your child is ready for SA2. 
Please support accordingly for areas that your child needs extra help in.
Thank you.


- Bring your LC book every day. Remember to revise for your oral on a daily basis as well.

- Complete Tenses Worksheet on Past Tense and Past Participle Form (By Tues)

See you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan