Thursday 26 May 2016

EL Matters - 26 May

Dear 5F,

We have come to the end of Term 2.

I have not given any homework so that you can enjoy your holiday.

But I would like each of you to read at least 3- 4 story books (1 book per week; of at least 200 pages each) and to speak proper English as much as you can during the holidays.

We will begin anew in Term 3. So please rest well now and then prepare for Term 3 a few days before the holiday ends by packing your school bag early and checking the class blog for updates.

For those who HAVE NOT handed-in Compo 4, your compo file (with corrections done) and Unit 6 Spelling Worksheet (corrections and parent signature), please hand it in first thing Monday in Term 3.

I wish you all a good holiday.


Mdm Tan

Wednesday 25 May 2016

EL Matters - 25 May

Dear 5F,

If you have finished typing out your compo and editing it for mistakes, follow the steps:

1) Write your name below your compo. See E.g. Written By: Claire Tan
2) Make sure you have a title for your compo.
3) Email it to me: or print it out yourself at home (white A4 printing paper) and give it to me tomorrow.

Please bring your compo file to school tomorrow and hand it in. Do all your corrections first.


  • Type out your compo: Either email it to me or print it out yourself
  • Bring your compo file tomorrow
  • Do Unit 6 Spelling corrections and ask parents to sign
See you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Cyberwellness Survey

Hi all,

Please take a bit of time during these June holidays to log in to and complete a short survey on Cyberwellness. The link to the survey will be available under the assignments tab on the left hand side once you login. Thank you to those who have already participated.


Thursday 19 May 2016

EL Matters - 20 May

Dear 5F,

We learnt about planning our compo using a Story Arc: (1) Short Intro, (2) Climax, (3) Conclusion.

We watch 4 short movie clips and identified the 3 components in each clip.

Here are the links to each movie. Enjoy...


Partly Cloudy

Day and Night

I hope that you have enough ideas to plan an interesting compo.

Remember to focus on the Climax and link it up with the Intro and Conclusion so that your story is complete and there are no parts missing.

We will write your compo in class next week.


- Some pupils have yet to hand-in their Unit 6 CB homework which was due today.
  Please hand-in latest next Tue.

- Bring a thumb drive or have an email account ready for next Tue.

Have a good long weekend and I'll see you next week!


Mdm Tan

Wednesday 18 May 2016

EL Matters - 19 May

Dear 5F,

  • Remember to hand-in your homework: Unit 6 CB Pg 1 - 7 and 12 by tomorrow
  • Bring your full scap paper tomorrow.
  • Get an email or thumb drive ready by next Mon.
  • I still have 4 Worksheet Files missing and 2 files with no exam papers.
          Please hand them in by tomorrow. Thank you.

See you tomorrow.


Mdm Tan

EL Matters - 18 May

Dear 5F,


1) Study for Unit 6 Spelling (Tomorrow)

2) Do Unit 6 CB Pg 1- 7 and Pg 12 (finish)

3) Hand-in all EL Worksheet files by tomorrow please.

4) Bring full scap on Friday, next Tue and Thursday.

5) Remember to get an email account or a thumb drive for typing out your compo next week.
   (By next Mon)


Mdm Tan

Monday 16 May 2016

EL Matters - 17 May

Dear 5F,

I have returned your LC, SW and CW scripts today.

Please ask your parents to sign only on Booklet B itself where I have indicated the total mark.

Bring all exam papers to school tomorrow for filing.

We have also set our targets for CA2. Let's try to work hard towards our target for next term.

Remember to speak better English and read more books during the holidays.


- Study for Unit 6 Spelling (This Thursday)
- Bring full scap paper this Friday and next Tuesday and Thursday.
- Get an email account so that you can email me your completed typed-out compo (By next Mon)
  If you do not have an email account, please get a thumb drive to store your compo.


Mdm Tan

Sunday 15 May 2016

EL Matters - 16 May

Dear 5F,

I have given out Paper 2 today.

Please ask your parents to sign and bring it tomorrow as we have not finished going through the answers.

Those of you who have not handed-in your weekend homework (Unit 6 CB Pg 11 and 14), please do so tomorrow.

Tomorrow I will return your LC, SW and CW.

Study for Unit 6 Spelling (Thursday)

See you.


Mdm Tan

Friday 13 May 2016

EL Matters - 13 May

Dear 5F,


- Unit 6 CB Pg 11 and 14 (By Mon)
- Study for Unit 6 Spelling (Next Thursday)
  Please ensure that you have submitted your spelling book before Thursday.
- For the few remaining pupils, please hand-in your file by Mon latest. I will need time to mark all corrections before the year closes. Thank you.

See you next Mon!


Mdm Tan

Wednesday 11 May 2016

EL Matters - 12 May

Dear 5F,

As mentioned in class yesterday, I will start going through the answers for Paper 2 this Friday.

Next Mon, you may bring home Paper 2 for your parents to see the paper and sign it.

For the next 2 weeks, we will be completing Unit 6 and 1 more CW. You will have homework.
Please come to school prepared to learn.

- Study for Unit 6 Spelling (next Thursday)
- Hand-in ALL Compo and Worksheet files (By this Friday latest)

See you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

Sunday 8 May 2016

EL Matters - 9 May

Dear 5F,

You have set for your EL paper 2 today. I hope you have done your very best.

Now, please concentrate on doing well for the other papers as well.

I will not see you today and perhaps a short while tomorrow.

Please file-in ALL your EL worksheets into your EL file.

Please file in ALL SW and CW into your Compo file (ensure that corrections have been completed).

Place both the worksheet and compo files into the class cupboard by this Friday latest.

Thank you.


Mdm Tan

Saturday 7 May 2016

EL Matters - 8 May

Dear 5F,

Try out this Comprehension text (fill in the blanks) on an Earthquake.

Try out this Comprehension text (mcq) on Hurricanes.

Try out this Comprehension text (mcq) on Black Friday. [Answers]

Try out this Comprehension text (mcq) on Hummingbirds. [Answers]

Try out this Comprehension text (mcq) on Jacob the Great. [Answers]

Have a great day! Do your very best for Paper 2 tomorrow! =)


Mdm Tan

Friday 6 May 2016

EL Matters - 7 May

Dear 5F,

Good day to you!

Let's practise a variety of questions today.

This website is a bit outdated so you would need to write your answers on a piece of paper and then click on the answer box (after doing the questions) to check your answers. However, the questions are still relevant and useful. Try to do all the components.

Try this Comprehension text (mcq) about Seat Belts. [Answers]

Try this Comprehension text (mcq) about Amelia Earhart.

Study hard! Have a great day!


Mdm Tan

EL Matters - 6 May

Dear 5F,

Today, we have completed all corrections, including your Practice Paper A and B corrections.

Please file in your worksheets according to the content page and revise.
DO NOT lose any worksheet please!

Please sign on the cover page of the Practice Paper Booklet B to see the overall marks that yourchild achieved for this assignment. Passing mark is 47.5.

Please also sign on the Phrasal Verbs Test 3.

What should you revise over the weekend?

 - Revise ALL Spelling Words. Know how to spell each word and the meanings of the words.
 - Revise ALL Reported Speech notes and tests inside your vocab book and worksheet file.
 - Revise ALL Phrasal Verbs notes and tests inside your vocab book and worksheet file.
 - Revise ALL Tenses notes and worksheets inside your vocab book and worksheet file.
 - Revise ALL Connectors (E.g. 'unless', 'though', 'although', 'but', 'so that', 'if', etc...) inside your vocab book and worksheet file.
Revise ALL Passive and Active Voice inside your worksheet file.
 - Revise ALL Vocabulary Words (that you find difficult) inside your worksheet file. Use a dictionary to help you. You may write the words and meaning into your Vocab Book (from the front).
 - Do ALL the Online Practice that I have put up on the blog since 21 April.
 - Lastly, do extra practices using your assessment books (if you have) or McOnline - Do the quizzes.

Here is a poem to spur you to study hard. Enjoy...

In all you do, do it well, do it right and do it smart.

The road to success is a long and arduous journey.

But the one who chooses perseverance over rest, diligence over play and determination over regret,

Will reach his goal and win the day.

May all of you be the winner at the end of the day, dear 5F.


Mdm Tan

Online Practice (Compulsory):

Connectors Overview and Practice 1

Connectors Practice 2

Good Website by BBC to practice 'Unless'

Active and Passive Ex 1

Active and Passive Ex 2

Active and Passive Ex 3

Active and Passive Ex 4

Phrasal Verbs Test 3 and Booklet B Answers

Dear 5F,

Due to the blackout, I could not go through the corrections with you.

Here are the answers.

Please check your work carefully

Find out where your mistakes are so that you will learn from them.


Mdm Tan

Phrasal Verbs Test 3 Answers:

1) renovated
2) drew in
3) finished
4) destroyed
5) abolished
6) keep on/ kept on
7) land up
8) demolished
9) laugh at
10) disappointed
11) keep away
12) survive
13) look up to
14) call upon
15) go ... ahead
16) make out
17) making up
18) met with
19) omit
20) fainted
21) pay off
22) accumulate
23) pressed for
24) brought forward
25) call off

Booklet B Answers:

Wednesday 4 May 2016

EL Matters - 5 May

Dear 5F,

Remember to do your Unit 5 CB and Booklet A corrections and bring the worksheets tomorrow.

Hand-in your Compo file as soon as possible too.

Please do the following online links today:

Vocabulary Exercise 1

Vocabulary Exercise 2

Vocabulary Exercise 3

Vocabulary Exercise 4

Vocabulary Exercise 5

Tomorrow, will be our last day of class revision before your EL Paper 2 exam on Monday.

Do come to class prepared to listen, learn and improve.

Lastly, do the daily online practices (every day until Sunday) as revision for your exam.
Do it properly so as to revise.


Mdm Tan

Tuesday 3 May 2016

EL Matters - 4 May

Dear 5F,

Here is a website to revise 'who vs whom vs whose'  and  'who' vs 'whom'.


1) Do Unit 5 CB corrections Pg 13 - 15 (By Fri)

2) Do Booklet A corrections (By Fri)

3) Learn Phrasal Verbs Test 3 - Thursday

4) Do corrections and file in all SW and CW into Compo file.
    Hand-in to class metal cupboard by Friday.

Online Practice (Compulsory):

Grammar Quiz 1

Grammar Quizzes - variety

Find out your level of Grammar and Vocab

Study hard!


Mdm Tan

Monday 2 May 2016

EL Matters - 3 May

Dear 5F,

I hope you have done your best for both Paper 1 and LC today.

I did not have lessons with you today. I will see you tomorrow instead.

We will finish Unit 5 Companion Booklet tomorrow and start going through the practice papers answers.

As such, pupils who have not submitted the following:

- Unit 5 CB ( 5 more pupils)
- Practice Paper Booklet A (9 more pupils)
- Practice Paper Booklet B (11 more pupils)

you MUST bring your homework tomorrow!


- Study for Phrasal Verbs Test 3 (Lists 1, 2 and 3) - This Thursday

- Hand-in Compo File to the class metal cupboard

(Make sure you have filed in and completed all corrections for SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, SW5, CW1, CW2, CW3)

Extra Online Practice (Optional):

Connector 'Unless' Notes

'If' vs 'Unless' Practice 1

'If' vs 'Unless' Practice 2

'If' vs 'Unless' Practice 3

Other types of connectors

See you!


Mdm Tan