Thursday 25 February 2016

EL Matters - 26 Feb

Dear 5F,

Homework for today:

1) Do Unit 3 Companion Booklet Pg 10 - 11 (Due 29 Feb)
    Use the dictionary to help you for Pg 10. Please don't guess the answers. Try to be sure.
    For Pg 11, you can use an online dictionary. Look out for the antonyms of that word.

2) Do Spelling Book corrections and ask parents to sign.
    Pupils who have failed all 3 spelling tests have to study all 3 units again and sit for the test again in     Week 10.

3) Bring full scap paper next Monday.

4) Look through the practice paper Visual Text answers. File Practice Paper Booklet A into your EL
    file below the content page.

5) Continue to revise for your topical tests on 4 Mar and 8 Mar.

    Test 2 (20 marks) Conducted on 4 March (Fri)
  • Section A: Editing (4 x 1 mark)
  • Section B: Grammar Cloze (3 x 1 mark)
  • Section C: Vocabulary MCQ (3 x 1 mark)
  • Section D: Comprehension Cloze  (10 x 1 mark)
   Test 3 (10 marks)  Conducted on 8 March (Tue)

Have a good weekend!


Mdm Tan

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