Monday 29 February 2016

Clarification on Spelling for 5F

Dear 5F and Parents of 5F,

Thank you for the feedback from some parents.

I understand that some of you maybe unsure of the new style of spelling.

Please allow me to clarify how Spelling is done for this year.

There will be a spelling test conducted for every unit taught in class. Each unit will take about 3 weeks to complete. Spelling for that unit will usually be conducted within that 3 weeks.

E.g. Unit 1 Spelling- conducted by Week 3
       Unit 2 Spelling - conducted by Week 6
       Unit 3 Spelling - conducted by Week 9

Pupils will be given the spelling list one week before the spelling test itself (usually given on a Thursday). Over the weekend, they are required to find the meanings of the spelling words using a dictionary.

On the following Monday, I will go through the meanings of the words with the class.
Each pupil is to jot down the meanings if their meanings are different from mine. Pupils will usually clarify if they are unsure of any of their answers. Pupils are then required to study the meanings and spelling of each word.

On Thursday (1 week after giving out the spelling list), the spelling test for that unit will be conducted. I will revise with the class using a worksheet. After the revision, I will conduct the spelling test (using the spelling book). I will read the meanings of the words and pupils are required to write the word itself.

By conducting spelling this way, we hope to help pupils learn the words in a more meaningful way such that they are able to use the words in context instead of just spell them.

I hope that you will help your child to do his/her best for all the spelling tests by providing the needed support at home.

Hope that you find this information useful.

Should anyone have any more queries, you may email them to me at:

I will respond to you as soon as possible.


Mdm Claire Tan

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