Monday 29 February 2016

Subtracting mixed numbers

Clarification on Spelling for 5F

Dear 5F and Parents of 5F,

Thank you for the feedback from some parents.

I understand that some of you maybe unsure of the new style of spelling.

Please allow me to clarify how Spelling is done for this year.

There will be a spelling test conducted for every unit taught in class. Each unit will take about 3 weeks to complete. Spelling for that unit will usually be conducted within that 3 weeks.

E.g. Unit 1 Spelling- conducted by Week 3
       Unit 2 Spelling - conducted by Week 6
       Unit 3 Spelling - conducted by Week 9

Pupils will be given the spelling list one week before the spelling test itself (usually given on a Thursday). Over the weekend, they are required to find the meanings of the spelling words using a dictionary.

On the following Monday, I will go through the meanings of the words with the class.
Each pupil is to jot down the meanings if their meanings are different from mine. Pupils will usually clarify if they are unsure of any of their answers. Pupils are then required to study the meanings and spelling of each word.

On Thursday (1 week after giving out the spelling list), the spelling test for that unit will be conducted. I will revise with the class using a worksheet. After the revision, I will conduct the spelling test (using the spelling book). I will read the meanings of the words and pupils are required to write the word itself.

By conducting spelling this way, we hope to help pupils learn the words in a more meaningful way such that they are able to use the words in context instead of just spell them.

I hope that you will help your child to do his/her best for all the spelling tests by providing the needed support at home.

Hope that you find this information useful.

Should anyone have any more queries, you may email them to me at:

I will respond to you as soon as possible.


Mdm Claire Tan

Sunday 28 February 2016

EL Matters - 29 Feb

Dear 5F,

Homework for today: Situational Writing 2 (Due Tue 1/3)

See all of you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

Thursday 25 February 2016

EL Matters - 26 Feb

Dear 5F,

Homework for today:

1) Do Unit 3 Companion Booklet Pg 10 - 11 (Due 29 Feb)
    Use the dictionary to help you for Pg 10. Please don't guess the answers. Try to be sure.
    For Pg 11, you can use an online dictionary. Look out for the antonyms of that word.

2) Do Spelling Book corrections and ask parents to sign.
    Pupils who have failed all 3 spelling tests have to study all 3 units again and sit for the test again in     Week 10.

3) Bring full scap paper next Monday.

4) Look through the practice paper Visual Text answers. File Practice Paper Booklet A into your EL
    file below the content page.

5) Continue to revise for your topical tests on 4 Mar and 8 Mar.

    Test 2 (20 marks) Conducted on 4 March (Fri)
  • Section A: Editing (4 x 1 mark)
  • Section B: Grammar Cloze (3 x 1 mark)
  • Section C: Vocabulary MCQ (3 x 1 mark)
  • Section D: Comprehension Cloze  (10 x 1 mark)
   Test 3 (10 marks)  Conducted on 8 March (Tue)

Have a good weekend!


Mdm Tan

Wednesday 24 February 2016

EL Matters - 25 Feb

Dear 5F,

Please bring your vocabulary book (with homework done) tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Test 1. Revise for Grammar MCQ, Vocab MCQ and Synthesis and Transformation.

See you all!


Mdm Tan

Monday 22 February 2016

EL Matters - 23 Feb

Dear 5F,

Hope you enjoyed the synonym game we played today.

We will continue the game on Friday after the test.

You may 'study' these 2 lists to prepare yourself for the game.



Today's Homework: Unit 3 Companion Book Pg 8 - 9 (Due Wed 24/2)

Bring your vocabulary book and glue stick tomorrow.

See you all!


Mdm Tan

Sunday 21 February 2016

EL Matters - 22 Feb

Dear 5F,

Some matters to take note of:

1) Please check to see if you still have the LRD for 9 Feb. Please bring it to school tomorrow if you do. Thanks.

2) Unit 3 Spelling will be this Thursday.

3) EL Filing will be tomorrow. Please ensure that your corrections are completed before your parents check your file and sign for Unit 2. Bring the Unit 2 Spelling List for filing. You may keep your file at home for revision.

4) Topical Test 1 will be conducted this Friday (26 Feb).

5) Homework: Unit 3 Learning Sheet 3.2 worksheet (By Tue 23 Feb)
    Please check the dictionary for the meaning of the words in the oval boxes before concluding the
    meaning of the prefixes.

See you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

Thursday 18 February 2016

EL Matters and Topical Tests Breakdown - 19 Feb

Dear 5F,

Hope you enjoyed the LRD challenge. There'll be more to come. =)

Some matters to take note of:

1) Homework - Unit 3 Spelling Words Meanings (By Mon 22/2)

2) Start revising for your 3 English tests. Take note of the change in date for the 3rd test.
The below information shows you the breakdown for each test.
Each test will run for 30 min.

Test 1 (20 marks)  Conducted on 26 Feb (Fri)
  • Section A: Grammar MCQ (5 x 1 mark)
  • Section B: Vocabulary MCQ (5 x 1 mark)
  • Section C: Synthesis and Transformation (3 x 2 marks)
  • Section D: Visual Text Comprehension (4 x 1 mark)

Test 2 (20 marks) Conducted on 4 March (Fri)
  • Section A: Editing (4 x 1 mark)
  • Section B: Grammar Cloze (3 x 1 mark)
  • Section C: Vocabulary MCQ (3 x 1 mark)
  • Section D: Comprehension Cloze  (10 x 1 mark)
Test 3 (10 marks)  Conducted on 8 March (Tue)

  • Comprehension OE (6 qns) 

3) Lastly, today we talked about the problem of freely buying and owning guns in US.
    Here are 2 links to understand better the gun problem in US.
    Read more to be better informed. Don't just take my word for it: Link 1 link 2

   Have a good weekend break. Remember to prioritise work before play. And when you do your work, do it well. When you play, play hard but don't go overboard.

  See you all.


 Mdm Tan

Wednesday 17 February 2016

EL Matters - 18 Feb

Dear 5F,

Some matters to take note of:


1) Little Red Dot Pg 17 Part 1 (Due Fri 19/2)

2) Unit 3 Spelling List - Find the meanings of the words (Due Mon 22/2)

3) Bring Unit 2 Text  (Late but not Last) tomorrow.

Have fun learning!


Mdm Tan

Tuesday 16 February 2016

El Matters - 17 Feb

Dear 5F,

Some matters to take note of:

1) The 3rd EL test date has been changed to 8 Mar (Tue), instead of 11 Mar (Fri).

2) No English homework today! Yeah!

3) Enjoy this video during your break.

See all of you tomorrow!


Mdm Tan

Monday 15 February 2016

El Matters - 16 Feb

Dear 5F,

Some matters to take note of:

1) Homework due on 17/2 (Wed): Companion Booklet Pg 1-7 (About 30 min was given in class for you to do this. So please hand-in tomorrow.)

2) Bring Unit 2 text: Late but not Last this Fri (19/2)

3) Deadline to submit the Learning Sheet Worksheet homework is tomorrow.

See you all!


Mdm Tan

Sunday 14 February 2016

EL Matters - 15 Feb

Dear 5F,

Some matters to take note of:

1) 5 pupils have yet to hand-in their EL worksheet files. Pls do so asap.

2) Some pupils have not handed-in their Spelling book. Pls do so asap.

3) 4 pupils have not handed-in their Companion Book homework given last Fri. Tue is the deadline.

4) Please submit your compo Draft 2 by Tue latest. Check before submitting.

5) Homework due on Wed (17/2): LS 2.2, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7.
    Extra time has been given. Please check your work before handing-in.

6) Please start revising for your 3 EL tests happening on these dates: 26 Feb, 4 Mar and 8 Mar.
The marks for these tests will not be counted in your report book. But they will give you a good indication whether you have learnt well in Term 1 and if you are ready for Term 2. So please revise all that you have learnt through the online links on the blog, Vocab Bk and using your EL files (when I return them to you by next Tue).

Keep working hard and playing hard!


Mdm Tan

Friday 12 February 2016

EL Matters - 12 Feb

Dear 5F,

A few things to note:

1) Homework: Companion Booklet Pg 13,14,15 and 17 (Due 15 Feb Mon)

2) Spelling Corrections and Signature (Due 15 Feb Mon)

3) EL Worksheet File (Parents are to check and sign the content page) - many of you still have not handed it in (Due 15 Feb Mon)

4) Bring full scap paper on Mon

Have a good weekend break! See all of you on Monday.


Mdm Tan

Thursday 11 February 2016

Term 1 English Remedial Links

Dear Pupils,

We have finished our remedial for term 1. I hope you had a good time.

Here are all the links we used for the 3 lessons.

Do use them, as well as the notes, for revision.

See you again in Term 2.

Mdm Tan

Lesson 1: Singular and Plural Nouns
                 > Let's Revise
                 > Notes
                 > Practice 1
                 > Practice 2
                 > Practice 3

                Subject-Verb Agreement
                 > Let's Revise
                 > Notes
                 > Practice 1
                 > Practice 2
                 > Practice 3
                 > Practice 4

Lesson 2: Tenses
                Present Perfect Tense
                Present Perfect Continuous Tense
                Past Perfect Tense
                Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Lesson 3: Punctuation and Vocabulary
               Period, Comma, Exclamation Mark, Question Mark
               Quotation Marks
               Colon and Semi-colon

               Vocab Builder - Use Google Chrome

Wednesday 3 February 2016

P5 camp pictures

Science experiment 3/2

 The kids learnt about the respiratory system in fishes. They observed the gills and realised that there is a path from the mouth to the gills if they tried pushing a tweezer from the gills to the mouth. They rightly concluded that water goes in through the mouth and out the gill cover for gas exchange to take place at the gills.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Idioms - 3 Feb

Dear 5F,

Here are the links to what we did in the computer lab today.

 idiom dictionary : Companion Booklet Pg 9 – 10 and LS2.1.

Remember to hand-in your companion book and stellar worksheet tomorrow.

Check that all the homework has been completed.

And study for your spelling!


Mdm Tan

Monday 1 February 2016

EL Homework - Due 3 Feb (Wed)

Dear 5F,

Today's homework:

1) LS 2.2 (By Wed)

2) Companion Booklet 2 Pg 8, 11 and 16 - refer to your Unit 2 text and spelling list (By Wed)

3) Ask parents to check worksheets and then sign EL file content page (By Thursday latest)

Pupils who have tournaments after school today, you may hand-in your work on Thursday (4/2). Please inform me if you have not done so. Thank you.

Do remember to bring your worksheets tomorrow as we'll be using them for the lab session.

See you tomorrow class.


Mdm Tan