Wednesday 29 June 2016

EL Matters - 30 June

Dear 5F,

Today's homework:

LRD Pg 16 (By Friday)

Here is the link to help you with your LRD Pg 16 Part 2 homework.

Remember to hand-in Unit 7 CB Pg 8, 9, 11 and 12 by tomorrow latest.

Bring your vocab book and full scap paper tomorrow as well.

Have fun with 'fish'!


Mdm Tan

SLW2 Round 1 (1July) Answers

SLW2 Answers

   along      around      away      back      into      on      out      over      through      up   
1. His heart attack was brought on by too much stress at work.

2. I didn't know his dog had died. I'm so embarrassed - I wish I hadn't brought up his dog at the party yesterday.

3. Your new dress really brings out the color of your eyes.

4. Don't you bring those dirty shoes into my clean house!

5. What exactly did you bring away from the experience. Did you learn anything at all?

6. They brought a pizza and some beer over and we watched an old movie on television.

7. You are only allowed to bring two bottles of wine through customs when you enter this country.

8. When we go camping, don't forget to bring along the binoculars so we can look for wildlife.

9. Lisa is going to pick Ted up at the airport and bring him back to the house.

10. Sarah doesn't want to go skiing this winter, but we still have time to bring her around.

EL Matters - Share Share, Learn Learn, Win Win - Round 1 (1 July)

Dear 5F,

As mentioned in class, we are going to start on a new online activity today.

It will go on for every Friday to Sunday (latest 9 pm). I will share the results the following Monday/ Tuesday.

Let's call this online activity: Share Share, Learn Learn, Win Win [SLW2]

How it works:

Every Friday, I will post a set of questions. The topic for this weekend will be Phrasal Verbs - words we have learnt.

The aim is for everyone to provide their answers (as a comment). [SHARE SHARE]
We can also comment on any incorrect answer. Be nice and tactful. Don't insult anyone please.

By reading each other's answers, we will learn from one another. [LEARN LEARN]

On Monday, I will disclose the correct answers to the class.

I'm hoping that through this activity, we will kill 3 birds with 1 stone: [WIN WIN]

1) Revise the topic
2) Learn from one another
3) Have fun together

If at least 35 pupils in the class respond to the questions in the blog (from Friday - Sunday),
the class will get to play English games for 1 whole period the following Tue or Thur.

Sounds fun? Are you ready for SLW2?

Let's begin:
Fill in the blanks using the words in the box below. You can only use each word once.
Number your answers clearly. Be sure to write your name first.
E.g. Claire (1) xxx, (2) yyy, (3) zzz etc...
   along      around      away      back      into      on      out      over      through      up   
Top of Form

1. His heart attack was brought  by too much stress at work.

2. I didn't know his dog had died. I'm so embarrassed - I wish I hadn't brought  his dog at the party yesterday.

3. Your new dress really brings  the color of your eyes.

4. Don't you bring those dirty shoes  my clean house!

5. What exactly did you bring  from the experience. Did you learn anything at all?

6. They brought a pizza and some beer  and we watched an old movie on television.

7. You are only allowed to bring two bottles of wine  customs when you enter this country.

8. When we go camping, don't forget to bring  the binoculars so we can look for wildlife.

9. Lisa is going to pick Ted up at the airport and bring him  to the house.

10. Sarah doesn't want to go skiing this winter, but we still have time to bring her .

Tuesday 28 June 2016

EL Matters - 29 June

Dear 5F,

Let's work together so that we can enjoy our long weekend holiday.

Remember to adhere to the homework deadlines given.


- LS 7.5 (already finished LS 7.1 - 7.4 in class) (By Thursday)

- Unit 7 CB Pg 8, 9, 11 and 12 (already finished Pg 15 and 16 in class) (By Friday)

Please check all your work before submitting them. Thank you.

See you class!


Mdm Tan

Monday 27 June 2016

EL Matters and Semester 1 Spelling Words - 28 June

Dear 5F,

We have started on Unit 7 today.

Do write down the meanings of the new words from the text inside your vocab book.

 - Do Unit 7 LS 7.1 and 7.4 (By Wed)
   If you need to, use an online dictionary to help you to find the meanings of the similes.

 - Revise Semester 1's spelling words. I will randomly test some of the words over the next few spelling tests this Semester.

   I have provided the pictures of the words here in case you need to refer to them. Click on the image to save a copy and print out for your reference if needed.

Unit 1:

Unit 2:

Unit 3:

Unit 4:

Unit 5:

Unit 6:


Mdm Tan

Sunday 26 June 2016

EL Matters - 27 June

Dear 5F,

Welcome back to school!

It was interesting listening to the things that you did during the holidays. I hope that you had a good break and are ready for school.

Half of the year has past and we will now move a bit faster for Semester 2.
This is because I would like to cover more revision in class to prepare you for P6.

As such, I am going to be more strict on your homework deadlines.

From now on, I will only give pupils with a valid reason (CCA competition in the afternoons, illness and too much tuition homework for that day) a day's grace to hand-in the homework. After that day's grace, any pupil with homework pending will stay behind the next day to complete their work in school. You will need to inform your parents that you will need to stay back in school to finish your homework. If you have CCA after school that day, you will use part of your recess and lunch time to complete your work.

I really hope that all of you will be more diligent in doing your homework on time and doing it properly.

Some matters to note:

- Do Unit 6 Spelling Worksheet corrections and ask parents to sign (latest by Tue).
- Find Term 1 and Term 2 spelling list. Revise the spelling words. I will randomly test any of the words and their meanings with any spelling of the new units this term.
-Bring full scap paper tomorrow.

Hope you had a good Monday! See you tomorrow!

Mdm Tan

Thursday 23 June 2016

EL Matters - 24 June

Dear 5F,

We are about to start on Term 3 soon.

I hope everyone of you has enjoyed your break and are getting yourself ready for the start of school.

Do take note that the school is undergoing renovation works now. So don't be too surprised to see construction equipment around the school and areas that have been cordoned off. Always walk around with your eyes opened and stay clear of areas that are cordoned off for your own safety.

I am looking forward to seeing you again.

I hope you are also looking forward to seeing your classmates and teachers again and getting back to the routine of lessons and learning.

Some administrative matters to note:

For those who HAVE NOT handed-in Compo 4, your compo file (with corrections done) and Unit 6 Spelling Worksheet (corrections and parent signature), please hand it in first thing Monday in Term 3.

Pack your school bag early and sleep early on Sunday night. Be ready for school so that you are ready to do your best.

See you next Monday, 27 June.


Mdm Tan