Wednesday 27 January 2016

English Matters

Dear 5F,

I hope you are enjoying the P5 Camp. =)

Some matters to take note of:

1) Please submit your worksheet on the meanings of the spelling words by next Mon.

2) Unit 2 spelling will be in Week 5 on Thurs (4/2). Please start studying for it.
    Some pupils (14 of you) have not submitted their spelling book to me. 
    Monday is the last day to submit.

3) We will do filing of Unit 1 worksheets next Tue. Please bring your EL Stellar Worksheet file (if you have not handed in) and place it inside the class metal cupboard by Mon.

Remember what I shared with you on Wed, about handing in your homework on time.

It is everyone's responsibility to remember to do their homework and to submit it on time.
Let's work together on this.

Thank you.

Mdm Tan

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