Sunday 31 January 2016

EL Matters and Online Links for Tenses Test- 1 Feb

Dear 5F,

As mentioned in class today, please study for a short quiz on reported speech tomorrow. Study from the notes in your Vocab bk (as well as your own notes).

Please get ready for your spelling this Thurs. Aim to do better than the previous time.

There will be a test on tenses next Friday (12/2) after your long weekend break. Please revise the notes inside your vocab book as well as the online exercises below:

Present Tense:
   Present Tense 1
   Present Tense 2
   More Exercises on Present Tense

Present Continuous Tense:
   Present Continuous Tense 1
   Present Continuous Tense 2
   More Exercises on Present Continuous Tense

Present Tense vs Present Continuous Tense

   Past Tense 1
   Past Tense 2
   More Exercises on Past Tense

Present Tense vs Past Tense

Present Perfect Tense:
   Present Perfect Tense 1
   Present Perfect Tense 2
   More Exercises on Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect vs Past Tense

Past Perfect Tense:
   Past Perfect Tense 1
   Past Perfect Tense 2
   More Exercises on Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect ContinuousTense:
   Past Perfect Continuous Tense 1
   Past Perfect Continuous Tense 1
   More Exercises on Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Mixed Practices:
Mixed Exercise on Past Tenses

Mixed Tenses 1
Mixed Tenses 2
Mixed Tenses 3
Mixed Tenses 4

Take all tests seriously because they are bite-sized preparation for your exams.

Enjoy learning! Work hard! 

Mdm Tan

Wednesday 27 January 2016

English Matters

Dear 5F,

I hope you are enjoying the P5 Camp. =)

Some matters to take note of:

1) Please submit your worksheet on the meanings of the spelling words by next Mon.

2) Unit 2 spelling will be in Week 5 on Thurs (4/2). Please start studying for it.
    Some pupils (14 of you) have not submitted their spelling book to me. 
    Monday is the last day to submit.

3) We will do filing of Unit 1 worksheets next Tue. Please bring your EL Stellar Worksheet file (if you have not handed in) and place it inside the class metal cupboard by Mon.

Remember what I shared with you on Wed, about handing in your homework on time.

It is everyone's responsibility to remember to do their homework and to submit it on time.
Let's work together on this.

Thank you.

Mdm Tan

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Direct and Indirect Speech

Dear 5F,

Here are the videos on Direct and Indirect Speech.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

Remember to take note of the differences between the two and when to use each of them.

Remember the rules associated with changing direct speech to reported speech.

Read the notes I have given the class. They summarise what we have covered. You would have to memorise the rules,

Have fun learning!


Mdm Tan

Prepositions and Subject, Verb and Object in a Sentence

Dear 5F,

Here are the videos on what we have learnt about:
Prepositions/ Prepositional Phrases 
Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Practice 1 Practice 2

and Subject, Verb and Object in a Sentence - 
Video  Practice


Mdm Tan

Similes, Metaphors, Sound and Visual Images

Dear 5F,

Here are the videos and song on what we learnt about Similes, Metaphors, Sound and Visual Images.

Practice makes perfect. So we'll be doing more in time to come.


Mdm Tan

Thursday 21 January 2016

Science Activity

Pictures of Science Activity 2- Respiratory system

The kids learnt the different parts of the respiratory system using the following set-up.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

5F Updates (19 & 20 Jan)

Lesson update

  1. Maths: Pupils learnt how to multiply by 10, 100 and 1000. 
  2. Pupils should also be able to multiply by a factor which is a multiple of 10 ( 34 x 60= 34 x 6 x 10)
  3. Science: Pupils learnt the composition of gases in the air
  4. Pupils learnt the different parts of the human respiratory system
  1. Class test weeks for Term 1 has been released
  2. Letter on NLB visit given

Sunday 17 January 2016

5F updates (180116)

Lesson summary

Pupils learnt to use their calculators based on instructions given in their Math textbooks.

Pupils also agreed to 2 rules regarding calculators- Use only when instructed but make sure to make full use of calculators when allowed.


  1. Whole Numbers (2) Practice 1
    1. Estimated time: 10 minutes
    2. Pupils are allowed to use calculators for this practice
    3. Pupils were shown how to trace the answers for Qn 5.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Pictures from class decoration day

Thanks pupils for helping out decorating the classroom. It is still work in progress but take pride in the fact that you guys did the decorations on your own. Enjoy the pictures I took :)